Checklist: EFE Marketing Principles, Sub-Initiatives & Objectives Consolidate and project distinctive EFE brand Compellingly communicate EFE’s impact Establish EFE as credible leader and Arab youth employment expert Establish efficient internal communications systems and content pipelines Adopt shared key messages and style guide Leverage new spokespeople at events and in the media including alumni and Board members Produce stories and case studies that speak to the interests of specific audiences Engage a local PR firm with strong networks and skills in areas that matter to affiliates and partners Use different e-platforms strategically to reach your key audiences EFE Marketing Principles: Consolidate and project distinctive EFE brand that increases awareness/recognition of EFE’s work and differentiates EFE from competitors Compellingly communicate EFE’s impact in a way that engages partners, donors, influencers an media and secures meaningful support for EFE’s work Establish EFE as credible leader and Arab youth employment expert to enhance ability to make policy recommendations and influence systems Establish efficient internal communications systems and content pipelines to circulate information, insights and best practices between EFE-Global, EFE affiliates, partners and media EFE Marketing Sub-Initiatives & Objectives: Adopt shared key messages and style guide to build recognizable brand and ensure message and design consistency Leverage new spokespeople at events and in the media including alumni and Board members Produce stories and case studies that speak to the interests of specific audiences (donors, employers, Government, youth, EFE Network organizations, etc.) Engage a local PR firm with strong networks and skills in areas that matter to affiliates and partners Use different e-platforms strategically to reach your key audiences (build out website, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube profiles) and keep EFE Network updated on your work Source: EFE Network Plan