October: National Anti-Bullying Month Lesson on Differences, Perspective and Empathy TAA 12th Grade 10/4/2017
We Don’t Always Have to Agree … … But We Do Have to be Kind.
People differ in many ways
How Do You Think Being Different From One Another Affects Our Relationships with Peers? There is good that comes from having people of all types, with different backgrounds, opinions, and perspectives: Being unique from one another allows us to contribute to the world in different ways We can learn new things on a regular basis by exposing ourselves to people who are different from us It increases everyone’s creative potential It makes us more well-rounded It allows each person to be themselves
How Do You Think Being Different From One Another Affects Our Relationships with Peers? But sometimes, we do not always respond well to differences. Have you ever witnessed a time in which a difference between peers resulted in- A disagreement? A fight? An argument? A negative social media post? A grudge? Bullying?
What is Perspective? Come up with a definition as a class.
Perspective Activity: What Do You See?
Last but not least, the mystery dress!
How might the same event or situation be viewed differently by people How might the same event or situation be viewed differently by people? How might this be a problem?
When We Disagree On Things… Sometimes we get worked up. Sometimes we say (or do, or post) things that may be hurtful. Sometimes we may laugh at the person who is different or sees something differently. Sometimes we may decide that we do not like that person. Sometimes we think our opinion is the correct opinion.
How Do Our Reactions to Others Affect Them? Have you ever thought about how what you say and how you say it impacts others? Have you ever upset someone with something you said? Have you ever made someone cry? If yes, you can work on having empathy.
What is Empathy? Come up with a definition as a class.
How Do You Think Perspective and Empathy Relate to Bullying? Do you think those who bully have the ability to see from another perspective? Do you think those who bully have empathy? How can having empathy for others help fix this major issue of bullying?
Perspective, Empathy, & Bullying When you are able to look at something from someone else’s perspective, you are able to better understand. When you are able to understand, you are better able to show empathy. When you are able to show empathy, you will not treat people in ways that you would not want to be treated.
So, just because we have different perspectives… … Doesn’t mean we cannot be kind.
Activity: You are each unique individuals. Despite being different from one another… You are the CLASS OF 2018 and you have one common goal (May 31, 2018)! Class of 2018 Chain Despite having differences, we are all linked together by this common goal So, let’s support one another in this effort. On one side of your slip of paper, write something about you that makes you unique and proud On the other side, write one thing you can do to help make our school safer, more kind, or bully-free place.
We will create a chain for the Class of 2018 using your slips.