Diversity Embracing Differences
Diversity Definitions Variety of ethnicities, socioeconomic status, gender, etc… together in a group, society, or institution Stereotype: Labeling, based on a majority of individuals or groups according to a falsified or true image or idea. Racism: Belief that all members of a race posses characteristics that establish superiority/inferiority over other races. Bias: Preference; an unfair preference or dislike of something Prejudice: Opinion formed beforehand; usually an unfavorable one, based on insufficient knowledge, irrational feelings, or inaccurate stereotypes
Awareness Cause: Difference Effect: Treatment Victim Reactions Race, Age, Gender Appearance Beliefs, Religion… Preferences Abilities/Disabilities SES (socioeconomic status $$) Stereotyping Bias Bullying, teasing, etc… Discrimination Hate Victim Reactions Depression Violence Suicide Bullying or rebellion Self mutilation Low Self-esteem, confidence Drug addiction Eating disorders
How do we Promote Diversity? Why should we Promote Diversity? Limit ignorance Build relationships Keep a job More ideas and creations How do we Promote Diversity? Be Open-Minded Tolerant Empathetic
Be Open-Minded Considering other opinions and options before making a decision. Does NOT mean you have to change your mind… but it is ok if you do. Be willing to see that there might be a better choice than what you thought.
Be Tolerant Tolerance: Capacity to respect the rights or opinions of others, especially when you don’t agree. Everyone is entitled to own views, beliefs, ideas, etc. Does not mean you have to accept their beliefs, just allow for them to be different from your own. Practice self-control It is inappropriate to “verbally or physically explode” when things aren’t the way you want them to be Listening leads to understanding.
Put yourself in someone else’s shoes and try to feel the same as he or she does. Learn how other people feel and come closer to understanding our differences and embracing diversity. Why do they feel, believe, or act that way? Be Empathetic
Culture The beliefs, customs, arts, etc Culture The beliefs, customs, arts, etc. of a particular society, group, place or time