User schedule updates 67th EATM, H. Wilkens.


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Presentation transcript:

User schedule updates 67th EATM, H. Wilkens

Users in May Henric Wilkens (CERN)

Points of attention. As a consequence of the vacuum leak on the SPS internal dump, we operate with the following restrictions: - 1013 protons max per Fixed Target cycle. Doesn’t allow COMPASS physics. - 1 Fixed Target cycle in 40 seconds max. A recuperated beam dump (removed summer 2014) is being vacuum qualified to act as spare. Maybe ready in ~3-4 weeks. See next presentation. Week 21: UA9 MD in the SPS machine Tuesday MAY 24th, 8AM to Wednesday MAY 25th 8AM, followed by Dedicated MD. 34 hours no beam to North Area. Week 22: No dedicated MD on Wednesday due to LHC MDs that week, ie beam can be made available to users as soon as ready. Henric Wilkens (CERN)

Installations in the coming 3 weeks Date beam Experiment/Beam-test Responsible Comment May 11th H4 NA63 U. Uggerhoj 10-200GeV/c electrons, MBPL downstream Goliath H6 CMS Outer Tracker D. Lazic/A. Dierlamm 120GeV/c hadrons May 18th T9 RE22[PANDA] muons G. Alexeev No details T10 ALICE TOF/MRPC C. Williams 5GeV/c, 2x2cm2 H2 NA61 beamtests A. Aduszkiewicz 20-158GeV/c hadrons(positiv), PSD, SciFi, RDS4 & VD CERF M. Silari 120GeV/c hadrons, access matrix May 25th mmTRACKER P. Bernardini 1-10GeV/c, e, µ, and h beams ALICE ACORDE A. Akindinov 1-6GeV/c hadrons 7x7cm2 RD51 & GIF Y. Tsipolitis/R.Guida Muons, RD51 in PPE134 ATLAS-ITK M. Bomben/A. Rummler 120GeV/c hadrons, CLICpix in H6B H8 ATLAS muons Y. Benhamou 180GeV/c muons, in H8B Henric Wilkens (CERN)

Pb beam time requests At last meeting the NA61 Pb run was recommended for a 4 week run. During that run beam can be made available for test beams in H4 and H8. 9 requests were received to make use of this period: UA9: 1 week in H8 for characterization of crystals and detectors for SPS and LHC. 1 day MD in the SPS. CMS Outreach: Outreach project of visualization of passage of particles and/or their interactions in matter. This is achieved by use of scintillating fiber bundles interleaved with thin lead foils and observed by CCD cameras after a four-stage image intensifier. Young students supported through QuarkNet. 8 hours, can be done parasitic to the UA9 run. RE29 DAMPE: Calibration of the DAMPE Silicon Tungsten Tracker (STK) for its charge measurements, with ion fragments produced with a Pb beam at the SPS. DAMPE was launched 17/11/2015, data-taking ongoing. 1 week in H8, fragmented ion beam. Henric Wilkens (CERN)

Pb beam time requests SuperTiger/HNX/CALET(RE25): The main aims of the proposed test beam program are to provide critical heavy-ion calibration data for the SuperTIGER (Super Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder) and CALET( Calorimetric electron telescope) instruments and tests of new instrumentation for the HNX (Heavy Nuclei eXplorer) satellite mission. 1 to 2 weeks in H8. Nucleon/Hero: Prototype tests of the HERO detector at electron, hadron and nuclei high energy beams. Technological model of the NUCLEON detector tests. 1 Week, after December 1rst. DsTau: Feasibility study of charm particle detection in Pb interactions with emulsion detectors. High multiplicity from the interaction vertex is expected, we will try to detect charm particle decay topologies, profiting from the high position resolution of emulsion detectors. The same setup with the DsTau in proton run. 5 days in H4. Super Tiger Nulceon Henric Wilkens (CERN)

Pb beam time requests CBM(RE21): Test prototype detectors under conditions close to SIS100@FAIR with heavy ion beams producing high track densities. This test will involve the TOF (main user), MUCH and TRD subsystems of CBM. Compared to November 2015 the TOF will be operated with a new readout chain. 2+2+4 days in H4. CREAM (RE19): Verification of readout performance and calibration of charge detectors of CREAM. One of the two CREAM detector was transformed for the ISS, while the other is prepared for another balloon flight in 2016. 1 week in H4. ATLAS ZDC: Beam tests of a liquid radiator Zero Degree Calorimeter prototype module for 1 week in H4 Henric Wilkens (CERN)

Proposed schedule implementation UA9 The energies requested by Marek are 13, 30 and 150AGeV (if magnet allow nominal current). Dates of the momentum changes to be defined. The injector schedule also indicated a HiRRADmat run in Week 46 (1 shift requested). This will reduce the duty cycle, but it could be done a week earlier eventually. No beam for NA61 when LHC is filling, to be seen. AWAKE requests proton during NA-Pb, Adds 6 cycles to the super-cycle, to be recommended by the committee. UA9 MD in the machine is scheduled on 23/11 (User changes in H4, H8, probable date for energy change) -> This needs to be synched with the injector schedule Henric Wilkens (CERN)