3 rd International Biomedical Research Meeting June 10 th 2011 Résidence de Marigny Pr André Syrota.


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Presentation transcript:

3 rd International Biomedical Research Meeting June 10 th 2011 Résidence de Marigny Pr André Syrota

The French Alliance for Life and Health Sciences: Aviesan Created in April 2009 To optimise scientific foresight and put forward scientific programming to Funding Agencies To facilitate the development of top-level clusters and research centers To promote national projects and to set up national core facilities 2 Research operating agencies : Inserm CNRS life sciences department CEA (atomic energy commission) Inra (national institute for agricultural research) Inria (computer science and automatic control) IRD (research for development) Pasteur Institute Universities Hospitals

Ten Thematic Institutes covering the entire field of Life and health Sciences Neurosciences Cognitive Sciences Neurology, Psychiatry Genetics, Genomics Bioinformatics Immunology Hematology Respiratory diseases Microbiology Infectious diseases Public Health Technologies 3 Cancer Cell Biology Development Molecular and Structural Biology Nutrition Circulation Metabolism Keywords: Sharing a common strategy to ensure an improved coordination

The specific role of the Health Technologies Institute for technology transfer To promote the emergence and accomplishment of innovative projects that respond to unmet scientific or medical needs, with applications in mind. => Achived under the control of a steering committee composed of representatives of different research organisations and universities. 4 Laboratory Emergence of the project Project team (Maturation) Evaluation and validation Funding and follow up A charter for a unique representative for negociation and contract.

« Epidemiologie France » : a new internet portal for health research A web catalog of major health databases from French sources that may be useful to improve research and public health expertise This catalog contains descriptions of 237 databases including 130 cohort studies, 76 industrial studies and 31 morbidity registries A standardized description form for each database describes the main features: aims, population, methods, acces modes, responsible of the database Search engine and browse tools allows the visitor to explore the on line catalog in three ways: browse, simple and advanced search English version under construction

35 billion 21.9 devoted to Research and Higher education Investments for the future : a major opportunity for boosting R&I

CANTO (breast cancer) : Institut Gustave Roussy / Inserm OFSEP (multiple sclerosis) : Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 / Hospices civils de Lyon / Inserm RADICO (rare diseases) : Inserm i-SHARE (relationship between behaviour or exposure and pathogenesis among young adults) : Université de Bordeaux / Inserm / Université de Versailles Saint Quentin E4N (genetics and biological risk factors) : Institut Gustave Roussy / Inserm HOPE-EPI (pediatric cancers) : Inserm CKD-REIN (chronic renal insufficiency) : Université Paris Sud 11 CRYOSTEM (transplant rejection and leukemia) : Société Française de Greffe de Moelle et de Thérapie Cellulaire (SFGM-TC) COBLAnce (bladder cancer) : Inserm Psy-COH (chronic psychiatric disorders) : Fondation FondaMental 10 cohorts 70 millions for 10 years

BIOBANQUES (public health, biomarkers), coordination Inserm F- CRIN (clinical research), coordination Inserm HIDDEN (biosafety level 4 laboratory), Inserm France-BioImaging (cell imaging), coordination CNRS FRISBI (structural biology), coordination CNRS PHENOMIN (phenotyping), coordination CNRS ProFI (proteomics), coordination CNRS France Génomique (genomics), coordination CEA EMBRC-France (marine biology), université Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS 9 national research infrastructures for biology and health 220 millions for 10 years

Neurosciences (Paris) Cardiometabolism and nutrition (Paris) Genetic diseases (Paris) Cardiology (Bordeaux) Surgery (Strasbourg) Infectious diseases (Marseille) 6 university hospitals « Instituts hospitalo-universitaires » 350 millions for 10 years