Coursework: The Use of Generic Application Software for Task Solution AS Module 3 Coursework: The Use of Generic Application Software for Task Solution
What does the Syllabus say? 12.2 Specification Produce a requirements specification for the identified problem, to Match end-user needs. State the input, processing and output needs to match the Requirements specification. Select and apply appropriate design tools and techniques. Determine the test strategy and test plan for the solution. The test Plan should include suggested test data.
Choosing the End - User There is no requirement for the end user to be a real person or business, however it does add an element of realism to your coursework. It makes it a lot easier to gather information and create a realistic system. Students often use friends or family businesses or the place where they go to on school work experience.
Gathering Information Write a letter to your end user to ask if you can design a system for them and to request an interview Your letter should be professional and you could enclose a stamped –self addressed envelope. You should aim to get a reply on headed notepaper. If not see if you can get a compliment slip or something similar.
Questionnaire You may decide to leave behind a questionnaire for the end user to fill out in their own time and send back to you. You may decide that you need to leave behind questionnaires for more than one person to fill out. Ask Yourself Who uses the current system? Who will be using your system?
What do I need to ask? Background information Is the current system manual or computerised? Are there any problems with the current system? Is the current system efficient? What is the day-to-day routine? What do you want to improve? How many people use the system? Who uses the current system? What hardware/software do they have now? Who will be responsible for the system? Etc…..
Questionnaire Design It is important that you design your questionnaire to extract the right information without making the task too time consuming for the end user The questions may be yes/no or 'open' allowing a fuller answer top be given - but making it difficult to interpret the answers.
Questions should not be too: Personal (How much do you have in the bank) Embarrassing or upsetting (How often do you shower) biased or leading ( you like …… don’t you) Questions should be clear so that people know what you mean Try to put them in a sensible logical order Ask only questions to do with your survey – people won’t want to answer too many questions.
Again, you may wish to go in and collect the questionnaire yourself or you could leave a stamped-self addressed envelope for the end-user to return them to you.
The Interview Look smart, and be professional Have your questions prepared Ensure the user that all answers will be treated in the strictest of confidence Thank the end-user for their time before you leave
Documentation Ask if the end user can let you have examples of documentation that they currently use. If they already have a computerised system you may be able to get printouts of this.
Pictures Ask if you can take pictures while you are there. You may use a digital camera or scan your pictures in. (this is not essential but will enhance your coursework)
Skills Assessment It is important that you find out the ICT skill capabilities of every person who will be using your completed system. What are their ICT qualifications and how much training have they had? You will need to cross reference this when you design your user guide and write up your evaluation.
Hardware and Software You need to identify the hardware and software that your end-user has at the moment. You must also identify the hardware and software that you will be using at school and at home. What version of Windows is it? What version of Access is it? You may have to consider Portability
Organisation is the key to success It may be a good idea to get folder dividers or punched pockets to organise your work into sections as you go along. You will be given more detailed advice about how to write up the specification in your coursework sessions. Your task for now is to assess the business and gather information.
If you have any further questions please ask your teacher.