News and update from KEK-CRC @CC-IN2P3 Feb. 14, 2017 Takashi Sasaki
KEK Inter-University Research Institute Corporation 1km Inter-University Research Institute Corporation 100% funded by the government Multidisciplinary laboratory in accelerator science PF CRC Injector
KEK Two campuses Tsukuba Tokai Electron machines Hadron machine 80km SuperKEKB, PF Tokai Hadron machine J-PARC 80km 60km Tokai:J-PARC KEK Tsukuba 70km 50km 60km Narita Haneda
Tsukuba Super KEKB Photon Factory Asymmetric e+ e- collider B Factory Photon Factory Material science, bio chemistry and etc.
J-PARC@Tokai T2K Particle physics Material and life science Tokai 2 Kamioka Particle physics Hadron facility Material and life science MLF
KEK budget situation The fund from the government to KEK is almost flat This is not a good news The government specify the usage of the budget project by project BelleII will be commissioned in JFY2017 J-PARC budget has a big impact for accelerator operation time length Human resource costs are requested to decrease 1.5% year by year 15% decreasements after 10years compared with this year Applied for all of National University Corporations and Inter-University Research Institute Corporations
BelleII@SuperKEKB The operation schedule delays due to detector construction delay Full dressed data acquisition will start in the end of 2018 Reconsideration of data sized are ongoing (reducted)
French participation in BelleII We haven’t heard anything officially LAL and IPHC(Strasbourg) ? Before May 2017? FJKPPL workshop at Strasbourg in May 10-12
ILC The government ordered the ILC committee to bring a new plan with the lowest cost The US and Japan collaboration is preparing a new accelerator design The Japanese government expect the large contribution from USA
When the decision will be made? The collaborative research on cost down between US and Japan will continues until 2020 Lots of rumors MEXT supervise Tokyo Olympic game to be held in 2020 The next POTUS election in 2020 Plan of FNAL-KEK collaboration on cost down
Changes in KEK-CRC New central computer system became in production in September 2016 Super Computer system will not be procured any more The operation of the current system ends in September 2017 BlueGene-Q + Hitach SR As a result of budget reduction from the government Main users are in LatticeQCD Used also for accelerator orbit calculations
Computer System Procurements at KEK Services are procured by public tender Not just hardware Compliments HR in computer centers For 4 years(can be extensible) At the end of the contract, all of the hardware are withdrawn We my purchase a part of them if necessary KEK central computer system Compute server, storage, network and other hardware Middleware such as Grid, cloud, HPSS, GPFS, GHI and etc Software: compilers…… Web systems: web, wiki, indico, JaCOW….. E-mail Operation of the whole system
People in KEK-CRC Yoshimi will move to Kanazawa Univ. Prof. Kanako retires in the end of JFY2016 (March 2017) Mandate retirement at the age of 63 Reemployment till the age of 65 Also head if the CSIO office The new head will be chosen on March 10th, 2017 The management committee makes the decision Candidates are all of full professors in KEK Nomination will be done soon User support Hitachi IS User support 6 8 3 4 IBM Central Computer Netone network Hitachi Super Computer
Research in KEK-CRC Feynman diagram automatic calculations Geant4 Kaneko, Yuasa, Ishikawa, Kawabata Geant4 Sasaki, Koichi Murakami, Amako Distributed Computing Tomoaki Nakamura, Iwai, Takase, Watase DAQ Soh Suzuki Database Tadashi Murakami Analysis software for Neutron Jiro Suzuki Lattice QCD Matsufuru Shibata
HEPIX 2017 Fall + HUF 2017 To be held at KEK during October 16-20 HEPIX: Tomoaki HUF: Koichi Grand plenary on Monday morning Other parts will be independent Excursion to Nikko only for HUF Shuttle bus between hotels and KEK will be arranged Public bus does not have extra capacities for events Accommodations in city center Takes 45min. for Akihabara by train Seibu department store will close in the end of February No quality store in Tsukuba after that Sponsors Fuji Film, IBM, DDN, SONY Optical Device…..
Sushi restaurants around the Tsukuba station “Shu” The best quality “Kintaro” Reasonable price “Tenryu” Sushi +α “Yagura” old fashioned Sushi was a fast food initially, but became expensive Shu Yagura Kintaro Tenryu
Summary Super KEKB has been commissioned in 2016 Physics run starts in 2016 with limited detector functionality French participation in Belle II are decided Budget situation is not satisfactory to operate the both of Super KEKB and J-PARC ILC possibility is still unknown New central system has been procured and started the operation in production in 2016 HEPIX 2017 Fall and HUF 2017 will be held at KEK jointly Oct. 16-20 The registration will begin in mid-May