Criminal Law and Procedure Chapter 4 6/10/2018 Criminal Law and Procedure 1 Criminal Law 2 Criminal Procedure
Criminal Law GOALS Understand the three elements that make up a criminal act Classify crimes according to the severity of their potential sentences Identify the types of crimes that affect business
FOCUS What is a crime?
CRIMES AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR Elements of criminal acts Duty Violation of the duty Criminal intent
CLASSIFICATIONS OF CRIMES Felony Misdemeanor Infractions
BUSINESS-RELATED CRIMES Larceny Receiving stolen property False pretenses Forgery Bribery Computer crime Extortion Conspiracy Arson
Criminal Procedure GOALS Know the rights a person has when arrested Recognize a person’s potential criminal liability for the actions of others Name and describe the two types of defenses to criminal charges
FOCUS Why is it important for individuals to have protection from certain government actions?
RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Rights of the accused Responsibility for the criminal conduct of others
DEFENSES TO CRIMINAL CHARGES Procedural defenses Substantive defenses
PUNISHMENTS FOR CRIMES Fines Imprisonment Execution