The Philosophy of Martin Heidegger
The Quest for the Meaning of Being While common language usage would presuppose we know what we mean by the word “being,” Heidegger thinks it is still veiled in darkness.
Heidegger’s Philosophy Heidegger’s great opening was to take Plato seriously again, and at the same time to undermine the entire Platonic worldview by reversing the core of Platonism; treating Being not as timeless and transcendent (an Idea), but as embedded in time and history.
Dasein (Being There) We are unique not simply because only we can question Being, but also in that, in questioning Being, we put our own Being in question.
Dasein (Being There) Awareness of our death changes the quality of how we would live. It changes the way we would treat others and the decisions we would make.
Overcoming Metaphysics Heidegger worries that modern humans will get lost in inauthenticity and lose their beingness in technology.
Overcoming Metaphysics We can only experience Being as it manifests itself, and that manifestation is always changing. That is its wonder, and also the place of our freedom.
Summary The human being is the unique being whose being has the character of openness toward Being.