Chapter 11 Lesson 3 Marijuana and other Illegal Drugs P.281 Bellringer: Think-Pair-Share What do you think when you hear the word “marijuana”?
Street Drugs Any drug not obtained by a doctor or OTC Sold outside the law Don’t know what’s in it
Marijuana THC is the active ingredient Effects Reduces memory, reaction time, and coordination Impairs judgment Reduces initiative and ambition Increases heart rate, lowers body temperature Dangers heart and lungs Increases appetite Interferes with development May cause addiction
Hallucinogens Drugs that distort moods, thoughts, and senses PCP Loss of coordination Heart rate increases Blood pressure increases Body temp. increases Convulsions Heart and Lung failure Bizarre and violent behavior Temporary psychosis False feeling of superpowers
Hallucinogens LSD Blood pressure increases Heart rate increases Body temp. increases Chills, nausea, and tremors Sleepiness Unpredictable behavior Flashbacks False feeling of superpowers
Inhalants Any substances whose fumes are sniffed and inhaled to cause a mind altering sensation “Huffing”
Club Drugs Get their name from the location of the use of these drugs Ecstasy GHB Rohypnol Ketamine
Performance Enhancing Drugs Anabolic steroids Synthetic testosterone Acne Mood swings Cancer HGH Erythropoietin Lance Armstrong, others