Air and Aerodynamics
What do you think would happen? Theory I WHAT HAPPENED? Theory II Label that Picture! What do you think would happen? 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Theme 1 Prompt 100 Points We live at the bottom of an ocean – an ocean of _________.
Theme 1 Response 100 Points What is AIR
Theme 1 Prompt 200 Points This mixture of gases surrounds Earth and extends far into space.
Theme 1 Response 200 Points What is Atmosphere
All gas particles are pulled to the earth by gravity except for… Theme 1 Prompt 300 Points All gas particles are pulled to the earth by gravity except for…
Theme 1 Response 300 Points What is hydrogen
Theme 1 Prompt 400 Points There are three variables associated with the experimental process. What are they?
What is Manipulated Variable, Constant variable and Theme 1 Response 400 Points What is Manipulated Variable, Constant variable and Responding Variable
Air is made of invisible gases that you cannot smell, taste or touch. Theme 1 Prompt 500 Points Air is made of invisible gases that you cannot smell, taste or touch. What are the main gases found in air and what percentage of the air do they take up?
Theme 1 Response 500 Points What is… 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 1% argon …and trace amounts of other gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, neon, helium, hydrogen, methane and xenon)
Why doesn’t the paper get wet? Theme 2 Prompt 100 Points Diving Paper Why doesn’t the paper get wet?
What is air takes up space Theme 2 Response 100 Points What is air takes up space
If someone blows above the paper, what will happen? Theme 2 Prompt 200 Points If someone blows above the paper, what will happen?
What is the paper will lift Theme 2 Response 200 Points What is the paper will lift
Theme 2 Prompt 300 Points If you leave fruit sitting out for any length of time, what will happen?
What is fruit oxidation Theme 2 Response 300 Points What is fruit oxidation
What will happen to the balloons in each bin? Theme 2 Prompt 400 Points Adjust the Volume What will happen to the balloons in each bin?
Theme 2 Response 400 Points What is the balloon in the cold water will shrink and the balloon in the hot water will expand.
Theme 2 Prompt 500 Points Taking the Plunge When you put your finger on the open end of the syringe and push down on the nozzle, what is happening to the air?
What is air being compressed Theme 2 Response 500 Points What is air being compressed
Theme 3 Prompt 100 Points The closer to the earth you get, the ________ the air pressure
Theme 3 Response 100 Points What is GREATER
Theme 3 Prompt 200 Points What is another way to say air pressure?
Theme 3 Response 200 Points What is Atmospheric pressure
Another way to say rusting is… Theme 3 Prompt 300 Points Another way to say rusting is…
Theme 3 Response 300 Points What is Oxidation
Theme 3 Prompt 400 Points In order for devices or living things to fly, they must have sufficient lift to overcome the downward force of gravity.
What is Bernoulli’s Principle Theme 3 Response 400 Points What is Bernoulli’s Principle
Explain the following and what is their title? Theme 3 Prompt 500 Points Explain the following and what is their title? Lift Drag Gravity Thrust
Theme 3 Response 500 Points What is… The Four Forces of Flight Lift – Upward force which acts against the force of gravity Drag – Resistance or friction that acts to slow down an object as it moves through a gas or liquid Thrust – The force that causes an object to move forward Gravity – Downward force which acts against the force of lift. This force increases as the mass of an object increases
Theme 4 Prompt 100 Points Label the Diagram
Theme 4 Response 100 Points What is Lift
Theme 4 Prompt 200 Points
Theme 4 Response 200 Points
Theme 4 Prompt 300 Points Label the Diagram
Theme 4 Response 300 Points
Theme 4 Prompt 400 Points Label the Diagram
Theme 4 Response 400 Points
Theme 4 Prompt 500 Points Label the diagram
Theme 4 Response 500 Points Top: What is fast moving air with low air pressure Bottom: What is slow moving air and high air pressure
If you were to pour water into each flask, what would happen? Theme 5 Prompt 100 Points If you were to pour water into each flask, what would happen?
Theme 5 Response 100 Points What is only a small amount of water will go into flask A because the air cannot get out.
If you try to pull the bag out of the jar, what will happen? Theme 5 Prompt 200 Points If you try to pull the bag out of the jar, what will happen?
Theme 5 Response 200 Points What is the air inside the jar is of lower pressure that the air outside of the jar.
If you blow through the horizontal straw, what will happen? Theme 5 Prompt 300 Points If you blow through the horizontal straw, what will happen?
Theme 5 Response 300 Points What is the higher pressure of the atmosphere pushes down the surface of the water forcing the water up the straw toward the lower pressure.
Theme 5 Prompt 400 Points In a closed contained, have a beaker ¾ full of baking soda and vinegar and light a candle to the left. What will happen over time?
Theme 5 Response 400 Points What is because carbon dioxide is heavier than air it will pour out of the beaker and settle into the bottom of the tray. As the gas spills out of the beaker it will fill the container, cut off the supply of oxygen and put out the flame.
Theme 5 Prompt 500 Points What would happen if you held a hairdryer at the lower end of the ramp and used it to hold the cars up the ramp?
Theme 5 Response 500 Points What is the car with large, flat, square panels has a greater air resistance and the car with a smooth aerodynamic design has less air resistance and requires less power to cut through the air. The aerodynamic car will reach the end of the ramp first.
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