NEW FOR 2017 Corporate Font The new presentation theme for 2017 features a corporate display font called Industry which is not a system font. However, IT has pushed out an update that enables you to easily install the the font on your desktop or laptop. If you use a computer that does not reside on the domain you can access and install the font in the fonts folder located in the same Box location as these presentation templates. Theme Colors The new template uses the corporate color palette and these colors should be maintained to ensure that presentations are consistent with the FLIR corporate identity. FLIR Blue # 1F3E7C FLIR Gold #FFAA21B FLIR Cool Grey #555559 Black #000000 Industry Font Sample Corporate Color Samples
NEW FOR 2017 Title slide layouts The new presentation theme for 2017 features a selection alternate title slides that enable you to target your presentations more specifically to your audience. These title slides can be found in the a separate template file called 2017-FLIR-PPT-Title-Slide-Template-Widescreen.pptx. This additional file includes 15 extra title slides are available for presentations in the FOR YOUR MISSION, FOR YOUR WORK, and FOR YOUR LIFE categories. Sample MISSION title slide Sample WORK title slide Sample LIFE title slide NOTE: There is also a section title slide available in the additional title slide template.
NEW FOR 2017 End-Cards The new presentation template also includes three end cards featuring the ‘thermal globe’. FOR YOUR MISSION, and FOR YOUR WORK. The end-cards should be placed at the end of your presentation. MISSION end-card WORK end-card LIFE end-card
How to use the Title and End-Card Layouts NOTE: The template incudes the default CORPORATE title and end-card slides. Open the main 2017-FLIR-PPT-Template-Standard.pptx, then save as and name a new file to start building your deck. This will ensure the integrity of the template To replace the default title and end-card slides in your new deck; open the 2017-FLIR-PPT-Title-Slide-Template-Widescreen.pptx Choose a new title slide and the appropriate end-card slide in the outline pane, and then copy and paste these slides into your deck Remember to delete the default title and end-card slides