Charter & Code (C&C) and the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) WHY should you know about this? Sofia (BG) – 17 October 2017 Dr Irmela Brach Policy Officer - DG RTD B.2 Open Science and ERA Policy
ERA POLICY More effective national research systems Transnational Cooperation and Competition An Open Labour Market for Researchers Charter & Code, HR Strategy for Researchers Innovative doctoral training Open, transparent and merit-based recruitment Pensions (RESAVER) EURAXESS Scientific visa package Working with Member States & monitoring Gender Equality Access and Circulation of Knowledge
& What is… … CHARTER & CODE? The European Charter for Researchers The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers Commission Recommendation adopted on 11 March 2005!
CHARTER & CODE ….. (6) New instruments for career development of researchers should be introduced and implemented, thus contributing to the improvement of career prospects for researchers in Europe. (8) The ultimate political goal of the recommendation is to contribute to the development of an attractive, open and sustainable European labour market for researchers, where the framework conditions allow for recruiting and retaining high quality researchers in environments conducive to effective performance and productivity. (9) MS should endeavour to offer researchers sustainable career development systems at all career stages, regardless of their contractual situation and of the chosen R&D career path, and to ensure that researchers are treated as professionals and as an integral part of the institutions in which they work.
CHARTER The CHARTER constitutes a framework for researchers, em-ployers and funders inviting them to act responsibly and as professionals and to recognise each other as such. The CHARTER addresses all researchers at all stages of their career and covers all fields of research in the public and private sector. The CHARTER takes into account the multiple roles of re-searchers appointed not only to conduct research or to carry out development activities, but involved also in supervision, mentoring, management or administrative tasks.
CHARTER General Principles and Requirements (for researchers): Research Freedom Ethical Principles Professional responsibility Professional Attitude Contractual and legal obligations Accountability Good practice in research Dissemination, exploitation of results Public engagement Relation with supervisors (*) Supervision and managerial duties Continuing professional development
CHARTER General Principles and Requirements (for employers/funders): Recognition of the profession Non-discrimination Research environment Working conditions Stability and permanence of employment Funding and salaries Gender balance Career development Value of mobility Access to research training and continuous development Access to career advice Intellectual property rights (*) Co-authorship (*) Supervision Teaching (*) Evaluation/appraisal system Complaints/appeals Participation in decision-making bodies (*) Recruitment
CODE The CODE of conduct for the recruitment of researchers should be followed by employers/funders when appointing/recruiting researchers. The principles of the CODE of conduct ensure observance of values such as transparency of the recruitment process and equal treatment of all applicants. Adhering to the CODE of conduct openly demonstrates the commitment to act in a responsible and respectable way and provides fair framework conditions to researchers, with a clear commitment to contribute to an open labour market for researchers (ERA priority 3).
CODE General Principles and Requirements (for the code of conduct): Recruitment Selection Transparency Judging merit Variations in the chronological order of CVs Recognition of mobility experience Recognition of qualifications Seniority Postdoctoral appointments
WHY CHARTER & CODE should institutions implement these principles ? BECAUSE: it leads to benefits for researchers and the institution it potentially impacts the institution it adds credibility – internally and externally, national authorities, funders etc. it adds to the institution's reputation it contributes to the institution's visibility because of your participation in H2020 projects and contracts (article 32)
Horizon 2020 ARTICLE 32 NEW Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement(s) * RECRUITMENT & WORKING CONDITIONS for researchers 32.1 OBLIGATION to take measures to implement the 'European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers' * working conditions transparent recruitment processes based on merit career development 32.2 CONSEQUENCES of non-compliance (application of any of the measures described in Chapter 6) * Commission Recommendation 2005/251/EC of 11 March 2005 (OJ L75, 22.3.2005, p. 67)
READ the document & your contract ! READ the document & your contract !
should sign and implement the Charter & Code All beneficiaries of H2020 should sign and implement the Charter & Code EVIDENCED by: > 900 individual endorsements & commitments > 40 countries involved (& various Inter-national / European organisations) > 1200 individual institutions represented (including universities, research institutes, funding bodies, umbrella organisations and professional associations ) > 380 institutions progressing with the implementation of the C&C principles
! Some statistics 2005: Commission Recommendation (C&C) Endorsement by more than 900 research institutions since then Bulgaria: 11 'endorsements' [ATTENTION – outdated letters] – timeline ! D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov – July 2016 (?) IMSETHC – BAS - 2014 ISSK-BAS - 2014 Institute for Population and Human Studies - 2014 Institute of Mechanics – BAS- 2014 Institute of Solid State Physics BAS - 2014 Joint Innovation Centre BAS - 2014 Plovdiv University - 2014 Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski – October 2016* The Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography BAS - 2014 The Rectors' Conference - 2007 Romania: 10 'endorsements' [ATTENTION – 8 outdated letters] – timeline ! !
Some statistics 2008: EU Strategy to implement C&C in a voluntary step-wise procedure, now strengthened procedure (HRS4R) To date: > 380 HR awarded institutions Bulgaria: 2 'HR excellence in research' awards Institute for Population and Human Studies (May 2016) => 2018 ! Varna Free University (Jan 2012 – Sept 2014) => 2017 ??? Romania: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi => (April 2014) => 2016 ??? Spiru Haret University (Oct 2013 – Jan 2016) => 2019 ! Further information
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