TIARA Executive Office R. Aleksan TEO meeting January 26th, 2016 AGENDA DC&O: New TIARA Website (outlines and contents) E&T: Status of EASITrain and ETCO Databases: Status and maintenance TEO meeting frequency How to help enhancing co-innovation with industry: CO-INNOV Workshop Preparation of Feb. 2 TCC meeting AOB
New TIARA Website (outlines and contents) URL: eu-tiara.org ??? (was eu-tiara.eu) We will keep the old one and make cross references Access: public and restricted area (as the old site) Logo: Use only the new logo
New TIARA Website (outlines and contents) General Information (public) About TIARA Accelerator R&D Fields requiring Accelerator R&D TIARA Consortium (public) Member Institutes Observers Official documents (restricted) MoU Minutes of meetings Management (public) Organigram Collaboration Council (including representatives) Executive Office (including membership) Meeting dates (also to be accessed from main page) TIARA workshops Access to TIARA databases (public) Infrastructure Education and Training
New TIARA Website (outlines and contents) Communication, Dissemination and Outreach (public) Press release and article (ex: article on Nucl. Phy. Journal) Public presentations (ex: Helmholz Asso. Yearly meeting in march) Accelerating News (needs to be accessed also in main page) Accelerator for Society (needs to be accessed also in main page) Links to EC calls Education & Training ? (public) also link to the portal later Useful links (public) Scientific committees FP projects on Accelerator R&D Future Accelerator Projects Contact us (public)
E&T: Status of EASITrain and ETCO ITN-ETN: EASITrain (12 beneficiaries, 15 (3y) trainees) Was submitted in due time (presentation by M. Benedikt at next TCC)
E&T: Status of EASITrain and ETCO ETCO: Embedded in ARIES (“EuCARD3”) Will be submitted in March (presentation by M. Vretenar at next TCC) TIARA has mandated P. Burrows to investigate how to implement the recommendations. A way to fund this is to integrate the activities in a network in ARIES (« EuCARD3 ») Comments from Phil on details?
Databases: Status and maintenance Tried to use the one on education and training Faced some difficulties operating filters Who should be contacted (should to be indicated on web page) One of us should try infrastructure database To verify its operation Contact is P. McIntosh (should to be indicated on web page)
TEO Meetings How often: At least before each TCC meetings ? More if required according to issues Where : Would Vidyo Meetings be satisfactory? Face to face if required Face to face if required Where : as most appropriate and CERN by default
How to help enhancing co-innovation with industry Dedicated WP in ARIES (“EuCARD3”) : 1250 k€ EC request Proof of Concept innovation fund - Relations with Industry - HTS magnet technologies – RAMS Modeling and Simulation- Timing system in a box Includes reserved budget for 1 or 2 more topics later Will be submitted in March (presentation by M. Vretenar at next TCC) Co-Innovation Workshop ? Should we foresee the organization of a workshop with industry on the theme « How to enhance co-innovation with industry » Presents actions in ARIES Present examples from other communities Discuss type of actions to be carried out Discuss the establishment of a “academy-industry club” … other discussions and round tables In yes, when? Where?
Preparation of Feb. 2 TCC meeting 10:00 Welcome (J. Perez) 10:05 Approval of agenda (All) 10:10 Approval of the minutes of the 2nd meeting on November 17th, 2015 (All) 10:15 General information (R. Aleksan) 10:30 Status on-going projects (EuCARD2, EuroCirCol, EuPRAXIA) 11:10 IA: Status of post EuCARD2 project 14:00 INNOV-2: Technology Infrastructure for Innovation 15:00 Education & Training 15:30 HiLumi achievements and next steps (L. Rossi, 30mn) 16:00 DS: Brainstorming on next DS call Discussion on possible topics (All, 20mn) TIARA Statement (All, 10mn) 16:20 Communication, Dissemination and Outreach activities Articles, website, database… 16:40 AOB 17:00 Adjourn
Participant Short name TIARA financial Status Participant Number Participant Short name Date Invoice N° Invoice Montant Facture Fond reçu Date Réception 1 CEA internal 5000 5 000 2 CERN 21/07/2015 90187963 08/10/2015 3 CNRS 14/09/2015 90189290 10/10/2015 4 CIEMAT 23/07/2015 90187965 20/12/2015 5 DESY 90187967 21/08/2015 6 GSI 90187969 7 INFN 90187971 15/09/2015 8 PSI 03/09/2015 90188924 18/09/2015 9 STFC 90188921 17/09/2015 10 UU 28/07/2015 90187974 31/08/2015 11 IPJ-PAN 90188037 02/09/2015 55 000 TIARA-PP 4 725.28 59 725.28
TIARA in-kind contribution Status cost personnel FTE person-month unit cost (k€) cost (k€) Contributor Name secretary 0,1 1,2 3,5 4,2 CERN E. Delucinge scientific assistant 0,3 3,6 5 18 CEA A. Chancé + TIARA webmaster 6 INFN G. Volpini Database management STFC P. McIntosh+? DC&O officer 0,2 2,4 12 CERN+INFN TBD+G. Volpini financial officer N. Judas edu.&train. (e-learning + portal) 1,5 90 2 10 CNRS CIEMAT GSI PSI 4 20 P. Burrows UU IFJ-PAN
Forthcoming calls and projects INFRA: WP 2016-17 IRI PP data DS We need to initiate discussion on possible topics Should we encourage ESSnuSB resubmission? Is there other emerging topics?