Total God: Called to Serve John 13:1-17 & Ephesians 4:11-13 Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
This term Continuing next term Relationship with Him Reading God’s Word Talking & hearing with Him Taking your part in the body of His church Engaging with His Spirit Telling His story to others Work and calling Family Friendships Leisure Money Sex and relationships Power and justice Changing seasons of our lives Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
How do we abide or remain? Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
What is a disciple? Pupil, learner, apprentice, follower Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
How do we do body here – small & big: Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Attend our whole body celebrations Serve in one ministry team or area Our expectation here: Attend our whole body celebrations Serve in one ministry team or area Smaller discipleship group in some form (preferably a MAT) Outside of ‘church’ commitments – you don’t stop being the body Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Spiritual Gifts 1 Exhortation Giving Leadership Mercy Prophecy Service Teaching Administration Apostle (sent pioneer) Discernment Faith Healings Helps Knowledge Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Spiritual Gifts 2 Evangelism Celibacy Pastor Hospitality Miracles Martyrdom Missionary Voluntary poverty Evangelism Pastor Miracles Tongues Tongues interpretation Wisdom Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Some ways you be part of the adventure…. MATS (5+1) Youth Seniors Children Welcome Sidespersons Pastoral LIFE grp leaders Hospitality Prayer team Buildings Finance PCC Events Mission partners Schools Music Technical Preach/Lead Karibuni Coffee Pot Other…? Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
How are we playing our part in the body? Celebratory Task: How are we playing our part in the body? Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Looking at the Scripture 1 STEP 1 Let the King of Kings serve you STEP 2 Now serve others – it will bless you Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Looking at the Scripture 2 - Eph 4:11-13 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town
Consumer or family member? Response How will you serve? Consumer or family member? Whitfield Parish Loving Jesus – Loving each other – Loving our town