Intending Trainers Course Module 1
Welcome ‘We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of that exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time’ T.S.Eliot @NHS_HealthEdEng
Introductions @NHS_HealthEdEng
Hopes, fears, wants… @NHS_HealthEdEng
Overview of the course @NHS_HealthEdEng
Module 1 Day 1: The Big Picture Introduction Characteristics of a good teacher How to teach consultation skills (ALOBA) @NHS_HealthEdEng
Module 1 Day 2: Formative Skills 1 Feedback skills How adults learn/essential learnring theory Learning and teaching styles (Honey and Mumford) @NHS_HealthEdEng
Module 1 Day 3: Formative Skills 2 Formal and informal clinical teaching; random and problem case analysis Lesson planning Seeking feedback Introduction to supervised training @NHS_HealthEdEng
Module 2 Day 4: Summative Roles WPBA CbD and COTs Learning Log and ePortfolio Educational Reviews, Reports and the ARCP @NHS_HealthEdEng
Module 2 Day 5: Practicalities Successful workplace learning Induction Role modelling Learning needs assessment/PDP/The Curriculum OOH Teaching multiple learners @NHS_HealthEdEng
Module 2 Day 6: Moving On Preparing for the reflective account Election on Supervisory Training Health Education England (HEE) CSA and AKT Supporting the trainee in difficulty/stretching the excellent trainee @NHS_HealthEdEng
Module 3 Day 7: Finally Reflection on supervisory training and the reflective account and revision of learning theory Certificate in Education Trainer development/appraisal and support Preparing for interview and appointment Writing you own educational PDP Getting the practice trainee ready Summary, feedback and close @NHS_HealthEdEng
Effective Teacher Vs Effective Doctor @NHS_HealthEdEng
Debate “This house believes it is the GP trainer’s role to teach the trainee everything they need to know to be a good GP” @NHS_HealthEdEng
Consultation models What do you use? @NHS_HealthEdEng
CSA courses suggest… What do you use? @NHS_HealthEdEng
A consultation navigation tool 2012 Collect all relevant information first, and only then ‘cross the bridge’ to start discussing management Damian Kenny November 2012 @NHS_HealthEdEng
A consultation navigation tool 2012 @NHS_HealthEdEng
Teaching consultation models What feedback models do you know? @NHS_HealthEdEng
Pendelton’s Rules ….Problems? @NHS_HealthEdEng
ALOBA Agenda Lead Outcomes Based Analysis; Agenda - ask the learner to highlight problem areas Define Outcomes- what do we want to achieve Elicit the learner’s thoughts and feelings and get him/her to make suggestions about how things could be better Involve the group in problem solving Facilitator then makes suggestions and generalises the learning Check everyone happy that the agenda is covered and feedback appropriate @NHS_HealthEdEng
SET-GO What do you See What Else do you see What do you Think (encourage the learner to reflect and problem-solve) then to group: What Goal would we like to achieve Any Offers of how to get there (rehearse suggestions as appropriate @NHS_HealthEdEng