Essay and Presentation My Future Career Essay and Presentation
Why? How? College and Career Ready Real-world application AND a grade for English class Your own personal choice for career Learn something neat for yourself, and teach it to your classmates How? Annotated bibliography with credible sources Writing process – argumentative essay Thesis presentation experience w/ speech to the class Career Essay Rubric Career Speech Rubric
Today and Tomorrow in Class: Look at the following: Information about annotated bibliographies Sample annotated bibliography – MLA formatting Start researching and work on your annotated bibliography You need to have at least SIX credible sources on your AB Use Google Scholar to find scholarly articles and journals No buzzfeed, etc. (ask me if you have questions!!) Make sure you include the bibliographic information for each source EasyBib, Owl Purdue, MS Word citation maker, etc.
Topics to Research $$$ How much school/training? Benefits? Opportunity/requirement to travel? Opportunities for promotions? Flexibility? Hours, etc. Competition/job security Contract/commitment Job demand?
Topics to Research How much schooling/training? National/global impact? $$$ Opportunity for promotions/advancement Benefits? Work hours? Family dynamics… Demand for the job? Job security!
Thursday 9/21/17 First: college visit sign-up binder / SAT and ACT dates Next: laptops to research & plan Make sure you’re making a MLA citation for each source In each annotation, make sure to include: summary; assessment; reflection Start moving from research to planning and outlining your essay Last: 8 minutes of class Syllabus NB permission form
Friday 9/22/17 First: get a laptop and login SAT dates Turn in signed syllabus form AND the NB permission form Next: rubrics and outline template Preview the rubric for your essay (esp. W.12.8) Open the outline template and use this as you transition into writing You can make EITHER a complete outline OR a rough draft Due at START of class on Monday: annotated bibliography