WELCOME to the Italian class Prof De Candido
Allow me to introduce myself I grew up in Italy I hold a Bachelor degree at Universita’ degli Studi Milano I live in Florida since 2011 This is my second year teaching at Somerset Academy
IMPORTANT DATES August 23rd :Grade level Meetings –– 8.15 – 2.50pm August 25th: Documents Due to 1st Period/Last day for Schedule Changes August 25th: 1st Day Forms are due by to the 1st Period teacher Middle School Open House - September 6th - 6pm High School Open House - September 13th - 6pm
MATERIAL 1 pencil 2 pens ( blue and black) Highlighters 3 subjects notebook Italian-English dictionary (not mandatory-at your disposal during class) Flash drive/ USB 1 plastic folder
GRADING Exams 35% Quizzes 20% Classwork/Participation 25% Homework 10% Projects 10%
Homework NO late homework accepted Quizzes given on a bi-weekly basis Tests are typically every 3-4 weeks Vocabulary Quiz every chapter Oral Quiz every quarter One Project per chapter
RULES – to start….. Be ready to learn Take your proper seat Have a notebook out Have multiple pens/pencils Take out homework
RULES – IN CLASS No eating, drinking other than water. No electronics of any kind Raise your hand with questions During discussions one person talking at a time During group/pair work stay on task Off task = working on your own Only one out to the bathroom at a time, grab the pass by the door The bell does not release you, I do All text books put away and trash picked up before dismissal
RULES – TESTING All phones will be shut off and on my desk for all tests/quizzes If a phone goes off during testing or I see one = a score of “0” and a call home No make-up for cheating or electronics seen/heard Unexcused absence: Test/quiz taken upon return Excused absence: Test/quiz taken the following period after return
RULES – DISCIPLINE Major infractions automatic referral (Fighting, Bullying, Disrespect to staff). 1st infraction: Warning 2nd infraction: Call Home 3rd infraction: Detention 4th infraction: Meeting with parent 5th infraction: Referral to the office
WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo preliminare Tanto per cominciare Italian pronunciation Introduction, greetings
WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 1 Come va, ragazzi? PERCORSO 1 greetings Subject pronouns
WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 1 Come va, ragazzi? PERCORSO 2 Days of the week Numbers
WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 1 Come va, ragazzi? PERCORSO 3 Personal information Verb to be Piemonte
WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 2 Che bella la vita da studente PERCORSO 1 Verb to have In classroom
WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 2 Che bella la vita da studente PERCORSO 2 University Plural and singular
WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 2 Che bella la vita da studente PERCORSO 3 Activities Verbs ending in ARE Emilia Romagna
WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 3 MI riconosci? PERCORSO 1 Describe people Singular and plural
WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 3 MI riconosci? PERCORSO 2 clothes colors
WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 3 MI riconosci? PERCORSO 2 activities Lombardia
WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 4 and 5