Physics 11 Advanced Mr. Jean June 5th, 2012
The plan: Video Clip of the day Modern Physics Relative motion (Review) Length contraction formula. Mass and Energy Visiting the relativities work sheet questions Time Dilation Handout
Summary: Due to Special Relativity: Time is not a constant Length is not a constant What happens to space? What happens to mass? What happens to energy?
Spaceship Moving at the 10 % the Speed of Light
Spaceship Moving at the 85 % the Speed of Light
Spaceship Moving at the 99 % the Speed of Light
Spaceship Moving at the 99.99 % the Speed of Light
Understanding Space-Time:
Let’s say that a car is travelling east at 100km/h. All of the motion is in the eastward direction. There is no change in the northern position.
What happens at 100km/h NE?
All visual information is travelling through the universe (space and time) at the speed of light. If you are a stationary object you are travelling at the maximum speed of time.
As you start moving through space your time begins to slow down As you start moving through space your time begins to slow down. It is replaced by your motion in space. Similar to moving North East instead of due east
If you can travel at the speed of light through space/time there would be no progress in time. If you can go faster than the speed of light you can go backwards in time.
Thus with space-time, time dilation, and length contraction we can predict what happens at incredibly fast speeds.
In class work: Start on the “Visiting the relatives” worksheet. Use the formulas of relativity to solve the following questions Questions #1 You can use the gamma approximation for these values if you want!