Sharing knowledge, giving voice
Scaling up/out Pulse Innovation Participatory Radio Programmes PRPs Guraghe and Wolayita Zones May 2016
Outline of Presentation Outcome – Formative research Participatory Radio Programmes
1. Outcome FR……………………… Purpose of the study assessing information needs of target farmers regarding production, marketing and consumption of haricot bean and chickpea assessing the ICT utilization among the target farmers
1. Otucome FR……………………… Methods…………………………….. 3 Woredas in Wolayita Zone (Damot Gale, Damot Wolayita, Humbo) and 2 Woredas in Gurage (Abeshigie, Meskan) selected Kebeles: Wolayita - 2 kebeles in each woreda = 6 Kebeles Guraghe – 3 Kebeles in Meskan and 4 kebeles in Abeshigie
1. Otucome FR……………………… Methods……………………………. An average of 10 FGD participants in each group, separate for male and female farmers (50%) production potential in haricot bean & chickpea
2. Nutrition Consumption haricot bean, chickpea Preparation of Common foods (Haricot bean & chickpea) Farmers Opinions on Benefits of Haricot bean & chickpea Attitudes towards consumption Roles in food preparation ፡ women & girls of above 13 age & men & boys
Pest & disease mgt (M & F) 3. Agronomy Agriculture፡ major income source; maize, sorghum, teff, chickpea, haricot bean, red pepper, faba bean, sesam, Niger seed, Family members except small children have roles in agr. Plowing (M) Cleaning (M & F) tilizer ap . (M & F) Weeding (M & F) Pest & disease mgt (M & F) Harvesting (M & F) Post –Harvest (M & F)
3. Agronomy………….. Challenges faced by farmers Their coping mechanisms Other pest management practices
3. Agronomy………….. Crop rotation Intercropping Opinions Do not use fertilizer in chickpea production since it is planted after haricot bean that they believe the soil is fertile at that time
Subject to changes in the project timelines and availability of funds, the broadcast of PRCs will take place from the second to the fourth quarters of the first and second years of the project period. There will be 12-16 weeks of PRC broadcasts each year Communities exposed to radio programs The outcome evaluation will be conducted in the third year of the project period. Communities with no exposure to the radio or other uptake promotion (control)
5. ICT……………………. 5 of 7households own functional radio radio has not been main source of information regarding agriculture & nutrition favorite times weekday night (7 – 9 pm) lunch time (1 pm)
5. ICT……………………. Favorite radio programs Gurage news, experience sharing, food preparation, updates on government plan, Amharic Language Favorite radio stations Debub FM 100.9, Wolkitie FM 89.2 Oromiya Radio
5. ICT…………………… Favorite radio programs Wolayita news, experience sharing, food preparation, updates on government plan, Wolayita language Favorite radio stations Fanna FM Sodo, Debub FM 100.9 Fanna FM Shashemene Waka FM
5. ICT…………………… Mobile Phone 5 in 6 have mobile phones in house some can make and receive a call few are able in text messaging
6. Participatory Radio Programmes……………………. Fanna FM Sodo for Wolayita Zone Wolkite FM for Guraghe Zone In station and ICT training Content design workshops (16 weeks PRPs) Launch of PRPs: Fanna Sodo on the 7th week (300-700 listeners beeptovote) CLGs: Wolayita zone 11male 10 female; Guraghe 10 male 10 female
6. Participatory Radio Programmes……………………. Fanna FM Sodo for Wolayita Zone Wolkite FM for Guraghe Zone Content focus: Nutrition & Agriculture practices Interactivity: Use of beeptovote (ICT), call-in and call-out, interviews; online loging of PRPs for feedback; CLGs