Early termination for tz search in hevc motion estimation EE 5359 Multimedia Processing Individual Project This template is in wide-screen format and demonstrates how transitions, animations, and multimedia choreography can be used to enrich a presentation. PRESENTED BY: Rajath Shivananda (1001096626)
Compare Low delay and Random-access profile A comparison is made between Low delay and Random access configuration. HM 16.9 software is used. Table 1. Comparison of low delay profile for different QP. Video Sequence Configuration Quantization Parameter Average: YUV-PSNR in Db Average: BitRate in kbps Total Encoding Time in seconds Mobisode2_416x240_30.yuv Low_delay 24 45.9330 34.4280 66.230 sec 28 43.8753 21.1360 61.654 se 32 42.0079 14.2160 60.663 sec Low_delay 36 40.3097 10.0200 58.495 sec
Compare Low delay and Random-access profile Table 2. Comparison of Random_access profile for different QP. Video Sequence Configuration Quantization Parameter Average: YUV-PSNR in Db Average: BitRate in kbps Total Encoding Time in seconds Mobisode2_416x240_30.yuv Random_access 24 46.3493 31.5600 47.479 sec 28 44.4223 19.9600 50.861 sec 32 42.5962 13.0760 44.483 sec 36 40.8088 9.3520 43.160 sec
Video Sequences Figure 1 – 1st frame of the video sequence. Figure 2 – 1st frame of the decoded video sequence from HEVC Encoded sequence. Figure 1. Original Video Sequence Figure 2. HEVC Decoded Video Sequence
Best Configuration Profiles Selected Table 3. Best profile selected with early termination. Video Sequence Configuration Quantization Parameter Average: YUV-PSNR in Db Average: BitRate in kbps Total Encoding Time in seconds Mobisode2_416x240_30.yuv Random_access_early_CU 32 42.6317 13.3600 13.614 sec
REFERENCES [1] Z Pan, Y Zhang, S Kwong, X Wang and L Xu, “Early Termination for TZSearch in HEVC Motion Estimation”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Page(s) : 1389 – 1393, May 2013. [2] P. Nalluri et al, “High Speed SAD Architectures for variable block size estimation in HEVC video coding”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Page(s): 1233 – 1237, Oct 2014. [3] M . A. B. Ayed, et al, “TZ Search pattern search improvement for HEVC motion estimation modules,” Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP). Page(s): 95 – 99, March 2014. [4] Z. Pan, S. Kwong, L. Xu, Y. Zhang, T. Zhao, “Predictive and distribution-oriented fast motion estimation for H.264/AVC” Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, vol. 9, page(s): 597 – 607, December 2014. [5] R. Li, B. Zeng, and M.L. Lio, “A new three-step search algorithm for block motion estimation” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 438-443,August 1994. [6] G.J. Sullivan et al, “Overview of the high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard”, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 22,no.12, pp. 1649 – 1668, Dec 2012. [7] Introduction to Motion estimation and Motion compensation---> http://www.cmlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/cml/dsp/training/coding/motion/me1.html
REFERENCES (continued) [8] HM Software Manual - https://hevc.hhi.fraunhofer.de/svn/svn_HEVCSoftware/ [9] Visual studio: http://www.dreamspark.com [10] Tortoise SVN: http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html [11] Tutorials---> N. Ling, “High efficiency video coding and its 3D extension: A research perspective,” Keynote Speech, IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Singapore, July 2012. [12] Tutorials---> X. Wang et al, “Paralleling variable block size motion estimation of HEVC on CPU plus GPU platform”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo workshop, May 2013. [13] Tutorials---> H.R. Tohidpour, et al, “Content adaptive complexity reduction scheme for quality/fidelity scalable HEVC”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 1744-1748, June 2013. [14] X. Zhang, S. Wang, S. Ma,“ Early termination of coding unit splitting for HEVC”, Signal & Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference. Page(s):1-4, December 2012. [15] HEVC tutorial 2014 ISCAS ---> http://www.rle.mit.edu/eems/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/H.265-HEVC-Tutorial-2014-ISCAS.pdf
REFERENCES (continued) [16] Video Lecture on Digital Voice and Picture Communication by Prof.S. Sengupta, Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering ,IIT Kharagpur -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm4C2ZFd3zE. [17] Lecture on video coding standards ->http://nptel.iitm.ac.in