Figure 17.1 Economic and technical factors comprising total system value (also refer to Figure 2.8).
Figure 17.2 Visibility of the elements of total life-cycle cost.
Figure 17. 3 Activities affecting life-cycle cost (refer to Figure 2
Figure 17.4 Life-cycle costing in the system or product life-cycle process (refer to Figure 2.3).
Figure 17.5 Twelve basic steps in the life-cycle cost analysis process.
Figure 17.6 A general cost breakdown structure (CBS).
Figure 17.7 Sample breakout of cost categories and estimating relationships.
Figure 17.8 Possible sources of data for a life-cycle cost analysis.
Figure 17.9 Cost estimation by program phase.
Figure 17.10 Cost collection worksheet.
Figure 17.11 Examples of life-cycle cost profiles.
Figure 17.12 A Pareto ranking of major problem areas.
Figure 17.13 Alternative life-cycle cost profiles being considered for evaluation.
Figure 17.14 Location/communications system (LCSys) network.
Figure 17.15 LCSys program plan and life-cycle profile.
Figure 17.16 LCSys equipment packaging (baseline configuration).
Figure 17.17 LCSys maintenance concept and repair policy.
TABLE 17.2 Production/Construction Costs
TABLE 17.4 Operation and Support Costs
Figure 17.18 LCSys equipment maintenance factors.
TABLE 17.5 Unscheduled Maintenance Costs
TABLE 17.6 Number of Unscheduled Maintenance Actions
TABLE 17.8 Life-Cycle Cost Breakdown
Figure 17.19 Life-cycle cost profile for LCSys design alternatives.
Figure 17.20 Design decision evaluation display for the LCSys.
Figure 17.21 Break-even analysis for LCSys design alternatives.
Figure 17.22 Sensitivity analysis for LCSys interest rate change.
Figure 17.23 The repairable equipment population system (REPS).
Figure 17.24 Shortage probability histogram.
Figure 17.25 Design decision evaluation display for REPS.