Our View of a Reader
National Curriculum 2014 Comprehension by the end of KS2 (Y5/6 statutory requirements): Maintain positive attitudes to reading and understanding of what they read Understand what they have read Discuss and evaluate how authors use language and consider the impact on the reader Distinguish between statements of fact and opinion Retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction Participate in discussions about books… building on their own and others’ ideas and challenging views courteously Explain and discuss their understanding of what they have read, including through presentations and debates, maintaining a focus on the topic and using notes where necessary Provide reasoned justifications for their views
What we do… Making sense Blending Sounds Repeating Predicting Listening Repeating Blending Sounds Making sense Finding information Predicting Using Inference
Reading for Pleasure Life-long learning Increased self-esteem Improved concentration Supports emotional development Creativity and imagination Increased self-esteem Language development Cultural heritage Knowledge of the world Confidence
Reading outside of school What do you know now? Sharing and discussion Ask questions about book Reading time – modelling good reading Reading to children Telling stories in own words Talking about stories Spotting key words A place to read – bed, sofa, cushions
What to read? Books – picture, chapter, information Magazines, comics, newspapers Leaflets Recipe books, how to books Websites, blogs
Things to ask… Understanding Who is the nicest character and why? What will happen next? What do you want to know now? How are they feeling? Understanding What do you know now? What have you found out so far? What do you like/find interesting? What does this tell us? What new words have you found? How will you use this fact?
Websites to help: www.teachyourmonstertoread.co.uk – phonics based www.readingeggs.co.uk – Early to advanced reading (reading eggspress) www.spellodrome.co.uk – Spelling strategies/word lists www.makewav.es – Safe blogging site