Bellringer #13 Considering Colin Kapernick’s recent protest during the national anthem, how does this define American culture?
Major World Religions
Judaism Who – Abraham, Moses When – circa 3000 BC Where – Israel Holy Books - Torah, and Talmud Major Divisions – Orthodox, Conservative, Reform Holy Symbol(s) – tefillin are reminders of the commandments • The menorah(candelabrum) is the ancient universal symbol of Judaism • The Jewish star is a modern universal Jewish symbol • skullcap (yarmulke) Basic Beliefs Monotheistic – one God Jews are the chosen people of God, must follow his laws. Jerusalem/Israel are holy lands. Judaism
Christianity Who – Jesus of Nazareth When – circa 30AD Where – Israel Holy Books – Old and New Testaments Major Divisions – Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox Holy Symbol(s) – The cross Basic Beliefs Jesus Christ is the son of God Death and resurrection Came to redeem mankind from sin. Christianity
Islam Who – Muhammed When – circa 620AD Where – Arabian Peninsula Holy Books – Quran (Koran Major Divisions – Sunni, Shia Holy Symbol(s) - The Star and Crescent The star and crescent is the best-known symbol used to represent Islam. It features prominently on the Featured on flags of Turkey and Pakistan. The symbol was popularized during the Ottoman Empire (1299-1922) Basic Beliefs There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of God Quran is word of God. Muslims must perform the “Five Pillars of Faith”.
Hinduism Who – Ancient priests of India When – 5000 –3000 BCE Where – India Holy Books – Vedas Major Divisions – Numerous schools and traditions Basic Beliefs Polytheistic Reincarnation and Karma – cause and effect Ultimate goal – oneness with “Brahman” (God, Reality)
Buddhism Who – Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) When – 500 BC Where – Northern India Holy Books - Tripitaka Major Divisions – Mahayana, Theravada Holy Symbols - Basic Beliefs Life is suffering, caused by wanting things, caused by ignorance. Reincarnation and karma “8-fold Path” allows escape to Nirvana Circle of Zen Wheel of Dharma
Critical Thinking In 4-5 COMPLETE SENTENCES, answer the following question. Make sure to elaborate and include examples. What if religion never diffused? Would Christianity still be the most popular religion?