Gasunie is one of the biggest gas infrastructure companies in Europe Gasunie is one of the biggest gas infrastructure companies in Europe. Within the company, we give safety the highest priority; it forms the basis of our license to operate. We abide by the strictest safety, health and environmental standards, both for our own employees and for our external contractors. Gasunie’s safety policy is thus characterised by a proactive approach which is designed to prevent accidents, incidents and hazardous situations.
General rules Work may only commence following permission from Gasunie. For some activities, Gasunie will first secure the installation or section of the installation. The situation at the location where the work is to be carried out must be made known to everyone as soon as possible. For example, who/what is where? Is the installation in use? The work permit must be read carefully and the control measures described must be in place and must be adhered to. If anything is unclear, ask the person who has issued the work permit. Always take the precautionary measures that are appropriate to the work you are about to carry out.
Risks of working with electricity Electricity-related incidents can result in serious injury and even death. To prevent these kinds of accidents, each on-site employee must know what work on or near electrical installations may and may not be carried out. It is vital to know the risks that may be present and to be able to recognise hazardous situations. Characteristics of electricity Electricity is: invisible odourless noiseless and if you feel it, it may be too late! Remain alert at all times when you are working. If in any doubt, always ask or suspend activities where necessary.
Possible risks/consequences of contact with electricity: Mishandling electricity can have major repercussions, both personal and material electrocution leading to death serious burns falling or tripping following an electric shock fire explosion damage to installation (components), materials and tools
Safety rules Authorisation Working under high voltage electrical installations is never permitted A work permit is required at all times for working on electrically powered equipment Working on or within contact distance from high voltage electrical systems or machines is only permitted once these systems or machines have been visibly secured (blocked, locked and labelled) Working on electrically powered equipment is only permitted once they have been secured (blocked, locked and labelled) All securing of electrical installations must be registered in a document: the electrical block list, also known as the Electricity Securitisation Certificate Authorisation The work permit and the block list must be completed and authorised in advance by a second Gasunie member of staff who has been designed as a qualified switchgear specialist (VP’er) or an installation foreman (WV’er).
Please note! Own responsibility! Securing electrical equipment may only be done by specifically designated switchgear specialists appointed by Gasunie. This can be either a VP’er or a WV’er. If necessary, they will also issue instructions verbally or in writing. Own responsibility! Everyone is responsible for checking that installations have been secured before they start work. If you are in any doubt or are uncertain about anything, ask for an explanation! Get in touch with the person who is issuing the work permit.