Head of Education British Film Institute Cary Bazalgette Head of Education British Film Institute
Media literate people can - Gain access to and make informed choices about a wide range of media forms and content; Understand how each medium uses distinctive techniques and conventions to convey meaning; Understand how and why media content is produced, and how to challenge what offends them; Use media to express and communicate ideas and information.
Key features of successful media education Cultural: learners broaden their experience of different kinds of media forms and content Critical: learners develop critical skills in analysing and assessing the quality of media outputs Creative: learners develop creative skills in making media
Many existing initiatives… Focus on only one of the “three Cs” Don’t have to explain links to other projects Don’t have to be sustainable Don’t produce evidence of outcomes Don’t have an exit strategy Have too short a time frame Represent a narrow range of agencies
Media literacy needs… An alliance of major stakeholders Wide consensus on definition General recognition of value to culture and democracy
Cary Bazalgette cary.bazalgette@bfi.org.uk