Americas KlyCluster Cost Analysis Overview Tom Lackowski RF & Sum reported by Peter H. Garbincius Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Agenda Afternoon Sessions - Klystron Cluster Design Session Description: This session will be used to review the Klystron Cluster alternative for HLRF equipment distribution and its impact on CFS regional design options. Current work to date will be presented. It is intended that representatives from Working Group 1 as well as representatives of the HLRF and LLRF efforts will participate in this session. Session Objective: Establish an understanding within the technical groups of the CFS design and cost savings associated with this Klystron Cluster alternative. 13:30 – 14:15 Overview from FNAL (T. Lackowski) 14;15 – 15:00 Overview from KEK (A. Enomoto) 15:00 – 15:45 Overview of HVAC for Single Tunnel (L. Hammond) 15:45 – 17:00 Overview of Cost Impact (P. Garbincius) 17:00 – 18:00 Discussion Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
August ‘08 we were introduced to the KlyCluster concept of RF distribution. September ’08 we were requested to develop a cost analysis of KlyCluster compared to the RDR cost. Cost Analysis addressed only the Main Linac Employed the tools developed for the RDR cost estimating to make the analysis. Used Americas Basis of estimate Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Bullet List Subtractions, Changes, and additions were identified for each WBS of the Main Linac estimate. Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Cost Comparison Methodology and Scope The Americas RDR Main Linac Estimate was used as the basis for the comparison. The site independent WBS sections (Electrical, Safety, Handling Equipment, and Survey and Alignment) are included and have been considered. The RDR unit costs used in the comparison estimate. Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Main Linac Configuration Four shafts added for RF Waveguides. Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
The cost estimate was revised @ the lowest level of the RDR estimate, using the same back-up pricing details. Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Major Civil Changes Civil cost reduced by 28% (relative to Main Linac) + Added four; 3 meter diameter shafts + Added four (4) sites +Added eight (8) full and 2 half buildings for housing KLY Cluster and rack equipment. - Eliminated Service Tunnel: Maintained 4.5 meter tunnel Diameter + Added 28 Refuge Areas - Reduced caverns volumes by 25% (comparison made using a corrected excavated volume for caverns) Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Revised Tunnel Cross Section Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
RF Building Layout Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Life Safety Analysis NFPA 520-2005 (Subterranean Spaces) Prescribes 2 paths of travel to an exit or refuge area. The travel distance to be less than 610 meters. Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Areas of Refuge Using the new shafts needed for the RF as exits, one area of refuge is required between shafts. Additional alcoves included for electrical switchgear, transformers and racks. Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Area of Refuge Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Air Treatment and Process Water Air Treatment increased by 25% + Added HVAC for the 4 additional shafts - Eliminated tunnel fan coils Process Water decreased by 54% - Eliminated chilled water + Reduced diameter of tunnel process piping but used stainless to distribute LCW -- Eliminated tunnel LCW Skids Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Process Water Plants Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Kly Cluster Scheme Process Water System RF in surface 68.6 KW per RF@ 48F DT (C.A. Email 7/21/08) Rough Costing of Kly Cluster Aug 15 -21 2008 Per RF Heat Load=Used loads & DT from C.A. emails Placeholder on the Kly distribution Terminate with valve to RF pipe Negligible 1KW heat load to air from rack (email J.C. 8/13/08)=No air cooling in tunnel All air cooling in surface (see Lee’s air treatment) RF Pipe in Shaft 30 KW ea@ 21.6F DT (C.A. Email 7/21/08) RF Pipe 4 KW @ 21.6F DT (C.A. Email 7/21/08) Loads/Circulators 38KW per RF@ 36F DT (C.A. Email 7/29/08) Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Surface RF Loads Used for Costing Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Surface RF Loads (updated) Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Overall Main Linac Air Flow Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Tunnel Air Flow Normal air flow and fire air flow below Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Other Areas Electrical reduced by 25% - Judgment used, reasoning that the electrical distribution reduced with KLY cluster scheme; elimination of Service Tunnel electrical distribution. Piped Utilities increased by 370% due to automatic fire suppression in Beam Tunnel (NFPA 520 requirements for single tunnel) Reduced Safety Equipment by 20% - Eliminate potable fire suppression units. Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Summary Functional Requirements used in the RDR have been maintained. Life Safety further study. Changes in the costs are a reflection of the KLY Cluster scheme only; potential savings from other value engineering ideas have not be incorporated. corresponds to -4.9% savings wrt ILC RDR est Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
RF System Modifications Estimates from Chris Adolphsen, July 28, 2008 300 MW RF pipe: 1,370 meter per 30 RF units (PHG geometric guess) – scale to 560 RF units adds + 0.4% wrt total ILC RDR estimate Coaxial RF Couplers: scale to 560 RF units adds + 0.2% wrt total ILC RDR estimate Subtract: 22 m WR 650 waveguide per RF unit Ray Larsen: subtracts - 0.05% wrt ILC est Summing CFS + RF => - 4.4 % savings wrt to Americas’ ILC RDR est. Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Peter’s final comments: Similar considerations apply to the RTML CF&S and RF components => - 4.6 % Need better estimates for the RF pipe and coaxial couplers If ILC can live with single tunnel for ML, ILC can probably live with single tunnel almost everywhere This is example of a “what-if” feasibility study providing an order of magnitude impact in order to decide whether proof-of-principle R&D is worth potential savings Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort
Thank-You for your attention. Nov. 17, 2008 ILC08 Global Design Effort