Testing All Input is Evil pt 2
Main Areas for Testing System stability – is the system going to crash or not? System usability – is the system easy to use? System security – is the data and code safe from hackers? Testing will never be the most exciting task in the world however it is one of the most important when it comes to programming.
Errors are good! If you create a system and tell me that you tested it and found no problems I simply won’t believe you In documenting your testing I expect you to state clearly what errors you found and what you did about them in your test logs
When to Test Formative testing Summative testing Testing during development Summative testing Testing after development Imagine a chef making soup The formative stage is the chef tasting the soup as they make it The summative phase is when the customer tastes it
Why do we test? To find faults or errors with the code Establish accessibility Understand the level of usability We need to have our designs viewed through fresh eyes to see the things that are hard to see ourselves
What do we test? For the sake of this lecture I shall split testing into three types System testing Usability testing
System Testing You will need to consider issues such as the following What happens when bad data is entered? Do all of the links to pages work? Does your design work on different browsers? Does your design work at different screen resolutions? How does your design behave on different computer platforms?
Is your code correct? Test plan test log You don’t need a finished system to design test data
Test Plan Example Age field for staff member Mandatory field
Prototyping Life Cycle
But what exactly is Usability? How easy is the application to learn? How quickly are tasks performed? How easy is it to remember how to use the application? How many errors does a user make? Is the user satisfied with the experience? Who to use? How many?
Usability Testing Examples Focus group Testing the Paper Based Design Card Sorting Design an Experiment Avoid Polluting the Test
Testing by Code
Test Driven Development (TDD) Testing is error prone and boring In TDD Create a test that fails (test plan my not always encourage this) Run the test and see it fail Fix the error in a simplistic way See the test pass Re-factor to implement the feature correctly All about small steps Builds confidence in the system Builds confidence in the programmer