Certified Evaluation Orientation For Staff Who Are NOT Administrators & For Whom TPGES/OPGES Does NOT Apply LaRue County Schools Opening Day, 2017 Complete Plan posted on District Website http://www.larue.kyschools.us/Content2/plans
Evaluation Notes To whom does this orientation apply? School Psychologist All other positions are covered by TPGES, OPGES, or they are district level administrators SB1 eliminated current evaluation regulations which included “PGES”. In 2017-2018, KDE will develop new regulations for certified evaluation, for implementation in 2018-2019. Until then, our prior evaluation system is the evaluation plan for this group. The prior system is included as Appendix P in the 2017-2018 LCS Certified Evaluation Plan. The materials and expectations remain unchanged; page numbers have changed
Orientation Tenure Non-Tenured Certified Staff Tenured Certified Staff Orientation by the end of the first month of employment See pg. 89 for Orientation Agenda Staff must sign and date certifying completion of Orientation. Tenure Non-Tenured Certified Staff One through Four Years in LaRue Co. OR First year in LaRue Co., but Tenured in another KY District Tenured Certified Staff More than Four Years in LaRue Co. OR More than One Year in LaRue Co., but Tenured in another KY District
Formative Evaluation Sequence DEADLINE: APRIL 1 Observation Walkthrough Letters & Memos Third Party Observer ONGOING Professional Growth Plan Corrective Action Plan
Formative Evaluation Sequence—Observation, pg. 91 Tenured: At least once every three years Non-Tenured: At least once annually 1. Observation scheduled between Evaluator and Evaluatee 2. Evaluatee completes Pre-Observation form, pg. 102 3. Pre-Observation Conference using Pre-Observation form 4. Evaluator observes class (45 min.)
Formative Evaluation Sequence— Observation, pg. 91 (Cont.) 5. Evaluatee completes Lesson Analysis & Reflection form, pg. 103 after observation and submits to Evaluator prior to post-observation conference 6. Post-Observation scheduled within one work week of observation 7. Post-Conference includes discussion of… Lesson Analysis & Reflection, pg. 103 Formative Evaluation Report Teacher pg. 104-109 Professional Growth Plan, pg. 99 Uses Summary Form Teacher pg. 110
Formative Evaluation Sequence— Observation, pg. 91 (Cont.) 8. Formative Evaluation Report is like a mid-year check-in. It includes all formative evidence to date, not just observation notes observations, data notebook, assessments, student products, units of study, professional development activities, etc. 9. Copies of all forms given to Evaluatee
Formative Evaluation Sequence— Walkthrough—pg. 91 Tenured & Non-Tenured: At least once annually 1. Evaluator conducts at least one unscheduled Walkthrough (10-15 minutes) using the Walkthrough Form (pg. 101) 2. Post-Conference within 1 work week. Tenured: Post-Conference only necessary if concerns surface during Walkthrough. Non-Tenured: Post-Conference required for at least 1 Walkthrough. 3. Copy of the completed Walkthrough Form given to Evaluatee. Signed by Evaluator & Evaluatee.
Formative Evaluation Sequence—Letters & Memos (pg. 90) In addition to district-adopted evaluation forms, letters and memos may be used to document both outstanding performance and performance which needs improvement. Correspondence dated and signed by both parties with a copy provided to Evaluatee Conference highly recommended, but not required
Formative Evaluation Sequence—Third Party Observer (pg. 91) Upon teacher request, observations by another teacher trained in the teacher’s content area or by curriculum content specialists shall be provided. This Third Party Observer may observe and provide information to the primary evaluator, but does not replace the primary evaluator. Evaluatee requests Third Party Observer in writing by Feb. 15. Evaluatee and Evaluator agree on Third Party Observer within 5 working days of the request; if not, Third Party Observer selected by Evaluator.
Formative Evaluation Sequence— Professional Growth Plan--pg. 95, 97-99 Purpose: to develop a plan agreed upon by both the evaluator and the evaluatee that will guide the professional growth of the teacher. The professional growth plan will be aligned with specific goals and objectives of the school/district improvement and professional development plans. Developed collaboratively by Evaluatee & Evaluator by Aug 30 Reviewed Annually PGP Intent on pg. 95 Instructions on pg. 97-98 Form on pg. 99
Formative Evaluation Sequence—Corrective Action Plan pg. 96, 100 A Corrective Action Plan shall be developed when a certified staff member fails to meet district standards OR when an immediate change is required in practice or behavior. Steps in Corrective Action, pg. 96 Administrator initiates the Corrective Action Plan process Administrator and teacher collaborate to develop the CAP Administrator and teacher develop timeline Administrator and teacher develop appraisal method for CAP Administrator evaluates improvement of performance at target date Form, pg. 100
Summative Evaluation Sequence DEADLINE: APRIL 1 Steps for Summative Eval.—pg. 92 1. Summative Conference using Formative data collected (up to three years if tenured) and progress on Professional Growth Plan (Corrective Action Plan, if necessary) 2. Summative Evaluation Report completed at conference (Teacher p.122)
Summative Evaluation Sequence Steps for Summative Eval.—pg. 92 (Cont.) 3. Copy of Summative Evaluation Report given to Evaluatee and filed in Evaluatee’s folder 4. Original Summative Evaluation Report sent to District Certified Evaluation Plan Coordinator
Appeal Procedure for Summative Evaluation—See pg. 139-142 1. Evaluatee must submit Appeal Form (pg. 142) to the chairperson of the Appeal Panel within 5 working days of receipt of the evaluation. 2. The Appeal Panel will meet to consider evidence and make a recommendation decision. Upholding all parts of the original evaluation. Voiding the original evaluation or parts of it. Ordering a new evaluation by a second certified employee who shall be a trained evaluator.
Appeal Procedure for Summative Evaluation—pg. 139-142 (Cont.) 3. The Appeal Panel will make a recommendation to the Superintendent within 15 working days from the date of the filing of the Appeal. 4. All parties will be notified of the recommendation with a letter citing evidence to support the decision.
Other Evaluation Notes School Psychologists will be evaluated as “teachers”.