Build an Anemometer Xinyu Li
Anemometer A common weather station instrument to measure wind speed. Monitor which high winds are dangerous Determine the location of wind turbines.
Wind speeds are usually measured using a cup anemometer. Less sensitive to icing. They can make measurements in all weather.
Learning Objectives Use an anemometer to measure wind speed. Use an anemometer to predict the best location of place a wind turbines. Describe why engineers want to know wind speed in determining where to place wind turbines.
Materials list 4 small paper cups push pin sharpened pencil with eraser on the end watch, clock or timer stiff, corrugated cardboard (box) modeling clay scissors marking pens rulers (for measuring) stapler
Making a Anemometer! 1. color the outside of paper cups 2. cut the cardboard into two same size strips. 3. Cross the cardboard strips and staple in the middle. 4. Stable a cup on each end of cardboard. 5. Make sure all cups face the same direction. 6. push the pin through the center of cardboard. 7. Attach the cardboard on the eraser on the pencil. 8. fix the pencil on the model clay.
Anemometer design
Test it 1. Go outside and find different locations. 2. Place the anemometer on a stable surface. 3. Measure the wind speed by counting the number of times the anemometer spins around in a minute 4. Take three measurements at the same location. 5. Record measurements and observations on the worksheet.
Anemometer TEST
Test RESULT 1. TEST ONE Time:1min Rotational Rate (rpm) : 20rounds/min Fastest rate Anemometer spin around the whole minute. Feeling the wind
Test two Time:1min Rotational Rate (rpm) : 9 rounds/min Anemometer spin around at the beginning. Stop 32 seconds. No feeling of wind after 32 seconds.
TEST THREE Time:1min Rotational Rate (rpm) : 0 round/min Anemometer doesn’t spin around. No feeling of wind in the whole minute. Lowest rate.
(20r/min+9r/min+0r/min)/3=9.7r/min Work sheet Wind energy Connection at Athens, shadow route. 1min 20r/min 9r/min 0r/min (20r/min+9r/min+0r/min)/3=9.7r/min
EXTENSION Measure the speed at different time, such as in the morning, afternoon, evening. Build different kinds of anemometers. For lower grade, practice counting the number of times in one minute. For upper grade, To convert to wind speed in centimeters per second, use the equation with the diameter of the anemometer in centimeters to calculate wind speed.
overall Used for grade 3-5 Design a anemometer Learn how to calculate wind speed Use in real life situation Only can test in windy day.