Appraisal and the development of staff Regional FTP Workshop Appraisal and the development of staff
Why? Chance for professional discussion Required for attestation Required for NZTC registration every 3 years Mix of personal goals and Registered Teacher Criteria components. Our system tries to satisfy both.
What? Is it purely developmental? Is it purely to meet the RTCs? Can it be a mix of each? It should be useful or it becomes a tick box exercise
Who? Up to the school In secondary it’s usually with your ‘line manager’ – so Principal appraises SMT/some HODs; SMT appraise HODs; HODs and Asst HODs appraise teachers We have 140 staff – aim for each person (except me) to do no more than 4 staff; I do 13 Every school organises this to suit itself Probably best not to have friends appraising friends Needs a degree of rigour built in
How? As many versions as there are schools Best if the staff buy into the model you use Good to review it regularly and make changes as circumstances change – implementation of RTCs was a good reason to review it. We set up a Learning group that looked into this over a year and then brought ideas to the staff for approval No requirement to deliver in any one format – we have google docs, myportfolio, paper…whatever works for the staff member concerned is ok by us
When? Every year? NZTC sign off every 3 years How do they mesh?
The (newest) WGC model Changes made for RTCs; further refined each year based on good practice 2015 model… Departments set goals for the year based on school’s annual goals 4 March TOD for departments. Talked about goals for the year, then by the end of the day each staff member had to decide on ONE goal. Had to be after discussion with HOD and department. Public process – ultimately sent to AP looking after appraisal Learning groups set up after this so that people working on similar things could support each other Lesson observations/check ins at least once during the year/end of year review Seems to have been well received – time for reflection; single focus likely to be achieved
And the RTCs Aligned to the appraisal goal we had an RTC form distributed that showed how staff were already meeting the RTCs Staff are encouraged to keep an RTC document they add to each year (google doc, different colour per year) so they can easily see gaps and what needs development Relatively easy to align both at the start of the year so you can double dip – it needs to be easy to manage both if you want them done well
WGC Support staff model Based around Job description Line manager is the person responsible Start of year goal discussion Regular check ins Personal response form before final meeting End of year summary
WGC Principal’s appraisal Designed by BOT and Principal in consultation Iterative through a google doc with different colours February – Principal sets goals May – check in; make changes to goals as necessary August – check in December – final meeting for the year. Talk about probable goals for the following year I also complete the RTCs which my BOT chair sights every 3 years when I apply for registration renewal
Principal’s appraisal - headings Setting goals – Business as usual & Project or stretch goals PD goals Feedback plan Mid year check in Wrapping up – summary; highlights; lessons learned; comments from Chair Looking forward ERO thought it was rigorous – I think it’s great! Helpful, supportive, not always easy to get BOT’s ideas for development though. Relies on me…
Some comments ‘No need for a formal appraisal, I appraise you every day’ – nonsense! Regardless of the requirement for it, you and your staff deserve this time for feedback Be selfish about it – demand it! It’s your BOT Chair’s responsibility to make it happen and ERO will ask for it every time they visit Expect 360 feedback It’s really hard hearing nice things about yourself; it’s much easier to focus on the negative! External appraisal? Has to be negotiated. There can be pitfalls.