The Summoner Per. 2 Marisa Milde
Part 1 What specific occupation does your character practice? Well it is obvious he summoned people to the Archdeacon's ecclesiastical court for public immortality. What does the need for this occupation tell us about the time period? That people were sinning a lot(committing adultery) and that they need Summoner to tell people when had to appear before the ecclesiastical court. However, so many abused this power by blackmailing the people who were summoned. Therefore most were hated by the public. What was his or her social standing? Well to the church there standings were very high. In contrast to that the public loathed the Summoners due to there conniving nature.
Part 1 Cont. What might your character’s day to day life be like? He would wake up, probably in some back alley, report to court to see who he had to summon, "visits" the Summonee and collects a small "donation", and finally with his "donations" he goes to a pub, gets drunk, and passes out somewhere. What details about this character does Chaucer not include? There are no details about this character that were not included. Chaucer pretty told everything about the Summoners life and actions. What modern day occupation might correspond to your medieval character and why? A Crooked Cop: I feel like this would describe the summoner because in the eyes of the law they only see the good that they do. However the public sees the fact that he uses he job to extort money from the lower middle class for his own benefit.
Part 3 What is Chaucer’s opinion toward this character? It seems like he looks down upon the Summoner due to his evil and conniving ways. he doesn't want much more t do with him other than to tell his story. What specific lines or words tell you this? This is shown when Chaucer says "I knew he lied in what he said" What word choices require an understanding of vocabulary from the time period? There are many examples of this however some are carbuncles, whelks, concubine, and ale-house.
Part 3 Cont. Do you see any satire? If so, what is Chaucer trying to reveal or expose about the time period? there are two main points of satire that I can see, one being when Chaucer describes him as a cherubim when in reality the Summoner is anything but and angel. another would be the fact that the Summoner works for the church to conn and manipulate people out of there money to allow himself to buy more booze. What do you think Chaucer's purpose of including this character was? To show that there were conniving people even within the court system of the church which would be the last place that anyone would suspect due to the growth of Christianity, and this being the time of the crusades.
Extra Credit Lines there was a summoner with us at the Inn, his face was as bright face as red as a beet his face was covered with revolting boils he had eyes like the Chinese he was consumed with lust he had a thin beard and gross cut eyebrows when he was seen by children they ran the other way it showed that he didn't care about personal hygiene he had rancid garlic, and onion breath he was dunk and incomprehensible except for a few saying he was not very smart he probably didn't know what he was actually saying
Work Cited "What Did A Summoner Do In Medieval England? - Blurtit." Ask Questions, Get Free Answers - Blurtit. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2012.web "What was the job of a summoner in medieval times." The Q&A wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2012.web.