A Framework for Sustainability Reporting FeedMe! A Framework for Sustainability Reporting Andrew Hemmaplardh CSE 403 April 3, 2007
Operational Concepts What: Sustainability reporting framework For WA state government Facilitates aggregation/centralization of data Why: Mandated in 2002 by Gov. Locke Annual sustainability reports State needs to aggregate them Currently no good way to do that
System Requirements
System and Software Architecture JavaScript SQL JavaScript JavaScript
Lifecycle Plan Team breakdown: 1 each PM, lead tester, lead documenter Approximate strategy: 2 turns around the spiral 1 each for beta and final release 0.5-1 week planning Approximately equal time coding, validating
Feasibility Rationale Clear, pre-defined objective and customer Standard model and tools Good process Ergo, let ‘er go! Possible hitches: Lack of exposure to the tools Full schedules