Partner presentation: INFN Roberto Barbera Univ. of Catania and INFN - Italy
Outline The INFN INFN and IGI INFN in the «grid» world INFN in DCH-RP Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 2
ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS The Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN – is the Italian research agency dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the laws that govern them, under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR). It conducts theoretical and experimental research in the fields of sub-nuclear, nuclear and astro-particle physics. All of the INFN’s research activities are undertaken within a framework of international competition, in close collaboration with Italian universities on the basis of solid academic partnerships spanning decades. PARTICLE PHYSICS ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS NUCLEAR PHYSICS THEORETICAL PHYSICS TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INFN is organized in 20 Divisions, located at university physics departments, and 4 National Laboratories located in Catania, Frascati, Legnaro, and under the Gran Sasso mountain; The INFN workforce includes about 2,000 of its own employees, almost 2,000 university employees involved in research conducted by the Institute, and 1,300 young researchers, including undergraduate and graduate students and research fellows. Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 3
INFN and the Italian Grid Infrastructure Since its establishment, INFN is one of the founding members and major stakeholders of the Italian Grid Infrastructure INFN participates in DCH-RP with the Divisions of Catania and Roma Tre and their respective Grid sites All IGI sites are connected to the GARR network Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 4
INFN in the «grid» world CNGrid NKN & Garuda EUAsiaGrid SAGrid & SANREN EU Projects tagged with are those where INFN manages coordination tasks. INFN also leads multi-regional projects such as CHAIN and CHAIN-REDS (from 1/12/2012) GISELA Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 5
INFN in DCH-RP INFN will lead Task 4.4 (PM1-24) and Task 5.2 (PM1-6) INFN will also be responsible of the following deliverables: D5.2 (M6) and D4.4 (M24) Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 6
Roberto Barbera ( Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 7