Career confidence and Expertly Written Resumes and Interview Skills By Dr. Lori Cortez
Resume To objective or not to objective? To one page or not to one page? To creative font or to Times New Roman?
Your Resume MUST Include Name and contact information (be sure to have a professional email address) is NOT professional!! Answer YOUR PHONE! Education Experience Volunteer/Community Involvement
Education Degree or Expected Major GPA, if it is above 3.0 Name of College Sauk Valley Community College, Office Administrative Assistant, May 2016. GPA 3.5 Northern Illinois University, Business Management, Expected May 2018
Experience Lead with action verbs Make yourself sound like the BEST employee
VOLUNTEER On Campus Involvement Campus Club/Organization High School Volunteering TRIO just being in TRIO TRIO Cares
Do’s and Don’ts Gap in employment Clean Up Facebook/Social Media/Local Newspapers Grammar, spelling, and punctuation This is supposed to be your BEST work, and you give me something with errors??????
Interviewing TIPS Know what job you are interviewing for Copy and paste or print job description Firm hand shake, eye contact Nails Lean In Body language Do you smell? Third hand smoke Smile!—The committee has been there for hours -- Take the first or last appointment Always wear a suit jacket
You can be overdressed
You, You, You! Never, ever say anything bad about yourself! Be an eager learner Be prepared with responses to typical interview questions
Them, Them, Them KNOW the company Ask them questions Research their mission and vision statements and work that into your interview Ask them questions Why do you like working here? What potential mistakes could someone in this position avoid? What are the day to day tasks? What kind of leadership style do you implement?
Best Tip Job Description What to say Reading tutor for children in elementary school Serves as a mentor for such purposes as tutoring Occasionally prepare materials for certain activities Must display professionalism and confidentiality in all matters Must be able to communicate by telephone on a daily basis. Must be able to use computers. I enjoy being a reading tutor for elementary school kids. I have mentored several students in my student club I have prepared materials for TRIO conference I have worked and maintain confidentiality I know to have “smile in my voice” I am proficient in Apple and PC