Tire Fails on Tender During Training. Report #12-145 Tire Fails on Tender During Training. Report Number: 12-145 Report Date: 05/21/2012 11:34 Synopsis Tire Fails on Tender During Training.
#12-145 Event Description One of our drivers was doing driver training in a tender with 3500 gallons of water. The driver heard a LARGE boom and realized the front left tire had blown. He did not hit the brake, and was able to coast to a stop along the roadway. Lessons Learned Anything can happen. Make sure experienced drivers operate the most dangerous rigs. Don't drive with one hand on the wheel, and ALWAYS wear your safety belt.
#12-145 Discussion Questions When personnel are assigned to drive a specific fire apparatus, what considerations should be given to the potential risks involved with each vehicle? 2. Does your department conduct annual training on the driving of each vehicle in your department? 3. How would this incident have been different if it had occurred during an emergency response? 4. Would you drive your apparatus any differently if you knew a tire could fail at any time? Remember, they can.