3 out of 10 go to university… 10 out of 10 go to work. Let’s talk about school leavers. Year 9 of 2007… Where are they now? 2009: left after Y11 2010: left after Y12 2011: left after Y13 enrolled in degrees 2012 Every young person is on a trip to the workforce. bachelors degrees by 2017 3 out of 10 go to university… 10 out of 10 go to work.
“Why are we learning this?” Let’s talk about students. “Why are we learning this?” Who’s asking? Who knows the answer?
Let’s talk about schools. “Pick six subjects.”
“I know you’ve got NCEA, now tell me about your skills.” Let’s talk about employers. “I know you’ve got NCEA, now tell me about your skills.”
"Employers, education providers, and youth live in parallel universes… they have fundamentally different understandings of the same situation.” – Education to Employment: Designing A System That Works McKinsey 2012 “credits” “subjects” “skills”
Let’s talk about the National Certificate of Educational Achievement. The best thing about NCEA is its flexibility. The worst thing about NCEA is its flexibility. In full.
We colour-coded the credits and we linked them to jobs. Vocational Pathways We colour-coded the credits and we linked them to jobs. relevance for learners, coherence for educators, clarity for employers.
Relevance… Why are we learning… Mathematics and Statistics 91030 Apply measurement in solving problems Graphic Designers use measurement to…... Environmental Scientists measure the …. Chefs need to accurately measure quantities… Nurses measure a range of vital statistics, such as… Fabricators need tp measure precise lengths, volumes, and… Builders rely heavily on accruate measurement of lengths, areas when they …
It comes down to: Students having a sense of purpose for learning. Someone caring about that learning. To make ‘pathways’ a reality, we need all involved.
Let’s talk about apprenticeships.
Level 4
Level 7
Let’s talk about how well our system supports lifelong learning. learning institutions workplace training ITO Wananga PTE ITP University Loan 165 168 349 590 1191 1529 0 31 214 428 856 139465 38398 60590 130,517 146,309 = $200m tertiary funding = $200m student loan sources: educationcounts: student loan scheme report 2015, TEC: all provider funding 2013-2015
NZ’s skills challenges: Qualifications
NZ’s skills challenges: Productivity
Education is not just about employment... Education is not just about getting jobs! We teach kids to read and write; think; solve problems; sort and evaluate information; communicate; manage their time; work with others; participate; and become good citizens. We’ll do the rest. ...but employment is always about education.