Development and reproductive potential of a generalist predator, Podisus maculiventris (Hemiptera: Aspionae) feeding with adult of Angoumois grain moth Sitotroga cerealella Ol., (lepidoptera:Pyralidae) Presented by: Abdelrhman S.Kasem Granted PhD Student, Dept. Plant Protection, Agrarian University, St Petersburg, Russia.
Importance of Podisus maculiventris General Predator attacks (90 insect species over 8 orders ): Colorado potato beetle and Several lepidopteran Pests. Associated with several crops; Alfalfa, apples, asparagus, cotton, eggplant, onions, potatoes, soybeans, sweet corn and tomatoes. Successfully used in biological control in heated greenhouses in Europe and Russia.
Rearing Systems for Predatory bugs Based on Food Types Natural rearing systems: using natural (target) prey for production of the predator. Systems using factitious prey: organism(организм) that is not usually to be attacked by a natural enemy in the nature, but supports its development and reproduction. Artificial rearings systems: use inanimate artificial diets.
Its Mass rearing are depend on expensive products. RESEARCH CHALLENGES of MASS REARING Larvae of Galleria mellonella L. has been reported as a good prey for polyphagous predatory bug. Its Mass rearing are depend on expensive products. Artificial diet for its growing includes useful components for human( Honey, natural wax, vitamins, antibiotic…and so on(etc.). Dynamics of laboratory populations are not always stable in artificial breeding conditions.
Objective of our Research feeding the late instars bug nymphs or adults with Sitotroga cerealella Ol. Adults, as mixed factitious preys system (MFPS); Most Economic variant. Keep rearing under laboratory conditions without degeneration in viability or reproduction potential.
Why Angoumois grain moth Sitotroga cerealella ? Widely produced in biological control laboratories; Its egg basically used for mass rearing: Parasitoid, Trichogramma sp. Predators, Orius spp. Nesidiocoris sp. , Macrolophus and so on….). They are very cheap variant, the adult moths discarded(waste) after oviposition (5-6 days).
Material and Method adult Angoumois grain moth resulted from mass rearing collected, dated and separated in labeled sieve. Sticky cards (3.5 × 4.5cm) to collect adult Angoumois grain moth. Plastic cups 500 ml provided with wetted cotton and filter paper were used as a replication (three for each treatment) Plastic containers 250ml used for pairs mating and oviposition. Two treatments (2 or 4 days adults post-emergence) were used to feed the predator bug starting from (4th, 5thnymphal instars or adults).
Spined soldier bug /prey Survival,%± SE Development, days±SE Weight of adults, mg±SE females males Greater wax moth larvae only (control) 100-3,07 a 30,5 ± 0,35 cd 31,0 ± 0,19 76,3± 2,86 e 58,5± 1,73 hi 2 days grain moth/4th nymphal instar (1) 100- 4,00 30,7 ± 0,41 31,1 ± 0,36 66,3± 1,85 fg 49,4± 0,92 k 2 days grain moth/ 5th nymphal instar (1) 90,9 ± 6,13 b 30,9 ± 0,43 31,2 ± 0,17 d 62,1± 2,86 gh 47,4 ± 1,27 l 2 days grain moth/adults (1) 100- 4,35 30,3 ± 0,55 30,6 ± 0,32 72,5± 4,32 ef 56,5± 1,36 i 4 days grain moth/ 4th nymphal instar (2) 91,7 ± 5,64 31,0 ± 0,51 30,4 ± 0,28 c 62,1± 1,62 50,1± 1,24 jkl 4 days grain moth/ 5th nymphal instar (2) 87,0 ± 7,02 30,7 ± 0,23 54,7± 2,58 ijk 46,7± 1,63 4 days grain moth /Adults(2) 100-3,70 30,7 ± 0,28 77,7± 2,66 55,2± 2,45 ij
Development Time
Spined soldier bug /prey Adults longevity, days ± SE Fecundity, eggs per female ± SE Hatchability%± SE Females males Greater wax moth only (control) 78,8 ± 4,51 B 89,8 ± 1,73 A 87,3 ± 3,18 p 80,0 ± 2,76 pq 2 days grain moth/4th nymphal instar(1) 65,0 ± 2,47 D 71,9 ± 4,27 BCD 87,4 ± 3,27 2 days grain moth/ 5th nymphal instar(1) 59,5± 4,46 DE 62,9 ± 5,93 CDEF 84,0 ± 2,73 2 days grain moth/adults(1) 65,6 ± 4,62 68,4 ± 5,17 73,9 ± 4,58 q 4 days grain moth/ 4th nymphal instar(2) 43,8 ± 4,50 F 49,0 ± 3,71 EF 84,1 ± 3,18 4 days grain moth/ 5th nymphal instar(2) 71,6 ± 4,77 66,0 ± 6,75 BCDE 87,4 ± 2,57 4 days grain moth /Adults(2) 73,9 ± 2,20 BC 74,3 ± 2,85
Hatchability %
Spined soldier bug / prey Preoviposition, Days± SE Count of egg/batches±SE Number of batches (times of laid Egg) s± SE First Average Grater wax moth only (control) 6,9 ± 0,61 r 21,5± 3,42 t 32,1± 0,97 v 16,7 ± 1,46 w 2 days grain moth/4th nymphal instar (1) 11,1 ± 0,52 s 14,5± 3,00 26,3± 1,27 u 11,3 ± 0,75 y 2 days grain moth/ 5th nymphal instar (1) 10,8 ± 0,77 18,4± 2,71 23,5± 1,38 8,8 ± 0,56 z 2 days grain moth/adults (1) 11,4 ± 0,81 23,4± 3,09 26,0± 1,22 12,3 ± 1,21 xy 4 days grain moth/ 4th nymphal instar (2) 13,2 ± 1,19 20,0± 3,66 24,7± 1,99 6,7 ± 0,80 4 days grain moth/ 5th nymphal instar (2) 8,4 ± 2,48 rs 22,0± 3,30 31,2± 1,75 8,3 ± 2,25 yz 4 days grain moth /Adults(2) 6,4 ± 0,90 18,1± 2,11 31,8± 1,43 13,9 ± 0,59 wx
Average Egg count per batches
Conclusion Possibility of using S. cerelallela adults as an alternative factitious prey to fed late nymphs and adults of predatory solider bugs. Using Angoumois grain moth adults 4 days post-emergence most economic than using 2 days adults. Utilization of S. cerelallela adults, in mass rearing technology especially Mixed Factious Prey System MFPS need more attention. Adaptation of P. maculiventris to fed S. cerealella adults can be promising by artificial selection.
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