INNOVATIVE LESSON PLAN Name of the teacher: Phyllies pappachan Name of the subject: Social science Name of the unit :The earth which supports man Standard: 9
CURRICULAR STATEMENT To know about volcanoes and how it useful to human life
CONTENT ANALYSIS Terms: Fissures, Magma,Aesthenosphere, Crust,Vent,Creater,Extinct, Dormant. Place: Decan Plateau, chota Nagpur, Golconda Fact 1 : The fissures through which the magma comes out from the aesthenosphere on the crust of the earth is known as the vent. The funnel shaped depression that can be seen on the summit of a volcanoe is known as a crater.
It is believed that the Decan plateau was formed by the lava which errupted silently is prehistoric times. Based on the chance of eruption the volcanoes are classified into three 1- active, 2 Extinct, 3- dormant. These are rich in minerals. These places have been developed as well known tourist spots. They are known as spas. The lava deposits of the Decan Plateau is rich in minerals.
ACTIVITY -1 VOLCANOES Volcanoes are caused when molten rock,[magma]flows out on the earths surface through fissures that are caused due to the movement.
The fissures through which the magma comes out from the aesthenosphere on to the crust of the earth is known as VENT.
The funnel shaped depression that can be seen on the summit of volcanoe is known as CRATER.
ACTIVITY-2 Based on the chances of eruption the volcanoes are classified in to three . They are , Active Extinct Dormant Pupils are divided in to three groups and discuss about these volcanoes. Group-1-Active, Group-2-Extinct. Group-3Dormant
Findings Group-1- Active Those that frequently erupt eg: [ mount Etna in Italy, Mount Fujiyama in Japan.]
Group-2- Extinct Active at a time . But will not erupt again. [ eg: Kilimanjaro in Africa]
Group-3- Dormant Those that have erupted earlier and not active in the recent past . But can become active.[eg: Vesuvius in Italy]
Activity-3 Volcanoes and man Volcanoes are helpful in many ways These areas are rich in minerals The hot spring that are found on volcanic mountains are supposed to have healing properties. These places have been developed as well known tourist spots, they are known as spas. The black soil that formed as a result of a volcanic eruption is suitable for cotton cultivation.
ACTIVITY IV The molten rock procedures various landforms not only on the surface of the earth but also inside the earth. The molten magma that tries to come on to the surface of the earth gets stopped at some points. As a result of this, this molten material gets solidified with in the crust. These landforms have been named according to the shapes in which they are formed.eg; magma chamber, batholiths sill, dyke.
FOLLOW UP ACTIVITY Find out and collect more active, extinct, dormant volcanoes pictures and exhibit these in the classroom.