WHERE WE LIVE MAP SYMBOLS CONTINENTS Maps 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
What is the name of these 2 continents? CONTINENTS 100 Points What is the name of these 2 continents?
North America and South America CONTINENTS 100 Points North America and South America
CONTINENTS 200 Points What are continents?
Large chunks of land made up of one or more countries. CONTINENTS 200 Points Large chunks of land made up of one or more countries.
Half of the earth south of the equator is called: CONTINENTS 300 Points Half of the earth south of the equator is called:
CONTINENTS 300 Points Southern Hemisphere
What is the name of these 2 continents? CONTINENTS 400 Points What is the name of these 2 continents?
CONTINENTS 400 Points Europe and Asia
CONTINENTS 500 Points Label each continent.
CONTINENTS 500 Points Europe North America Asia Africa South America Australia Antarctica
WHERE WE LIVE 100 Points What state do we live in?
WHERE WE LIVE 100 Points Wisconsin
Is our world made up of more water or land? WHERE WE LIVE 200 Points Is our world made up of more water or land?
WHERE WE LIVE 200 Points water
What continent do we live on? WHERE WE LIVE 300 Points What continent do we live on?
WHERE WE LIVE 300 Points North America
Put the following places in order by size. WHERE WE LIVE 400 Points Put the following places in order by size.
WHERE WE LIVE 400 Points country city county continent state
What is the name of our county? WHERE WE LIVE 500 Points What is the name of our county?
WHERE WE LIVE 500 Points Ozaukee
What shows direction on a map? MAP SYMBOLS 100 Points What shows direction on a map? W E S
MAP SYMBOLS 100 Points A Compass Rose W E S
MAP SYMBOLS 200 Points Label the Compass Rose
MAP SYMBOLS 200 Points
MAP SYMBOLS 300 Points What is a three-dimensional model of the earth that is shaped like a sphere?
MAP SYMBOLS 300 Points A Globe
Where are the 2 tables located? MAP SYMBOLS 400 Points Where are the 2 tables located?
MAP SYMBOLS 400 Points Northeast Southwest
What is the difference between a map and a globe? MAP SYMBOLS 500 Points What is the difference between a map and a globe?
MAP SYMBOLS 500 Points Map: flat, shows whole world at once, changes the shapes of continents, Globe: sphere, can only see half the world at once, accurate shapes of continents
A map that shows where to drive between cities. MAPS 100 Points A map that shows where to drive between cities.
MAPS 100 Points Road map
What type of map shows where mountain ranges are found? MAPS 200 Points What type of map shows where mountain ranges are found?
MAPS 200 Points Physical map
Lines on a map or globe that run east and west. MAPS 300 Points Lines on a map or globe that run east and west.
MAPS 300 Points Latitude Lines
Lines on a map or globe that run north and south. MAPS 400 Points Lines on a map or globe that run north and south.
MAPS 400 Points Longitude Lines
What is the equator and where is it located? MAPS 500 Points What is the equator and where is it located?
MAPS 500 Points
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