San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA) Leased Housing Programs SEMAP updates as of April 30th, 2017
Table of Contents Program Utilization Summary 3 - 5 6 - 10 Program Leasing Summary 6 - 10 PIC Reporting Rate 11 – 12 Operational Updates – Recertifications and Inspections 13 - 14 Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) 15 – 17 Department Activities in Progress 18
Program Utilization Summary Voucher utilization is 80% and HAP utilization is 100% Program FY 2016 HAP FY 2017 HAP FY 2016 Voucher Utilization FY 2017 Voucher Utilization Overall HCV Utilization 94.6% 100% 80%
VASH utilization is at 86% and FUP utilization is at 76% Special Programs Utilization VASH utilization is at 86% and FUP utilization is at 76%
Special Program (PBV, RAD & MOD) Utilization PBV utilization is 97%, RAD utilization is 68% and SFHA MOD utilization is 94 % Program CY 2017 Utilization Goal PBV CY 16 – 17 RAD I CY 16 - 17 MOD Current Utilization 98% 97% 68% 94% PBV utilization: +/-0%, RAD utilization: +1% and SFHA MOD utilization: +1%
HCV Program Leasing FY 2016 – 2017 Leasing Overview HCV Leasing Activities Our confirmed port-out rate for all programs is 5%; our lease-up success rate is 45% but based on limited leasing activities; issued 875 vouchers since May 2016, with 390 on the street and 200+ in process.
FY 2016 - 2017 Leasing Overview cont. HCV Program Leasing FY 2016 - 2017 Leasing Overview cont. Additional HCV Leasing Activities Our confirmed port-out rate for HCV is 3%; our lease-up success rate is 34% but based on limited leasing activities; issued 515 HCV vouchers since May 2016, with 250 on the street actively searching for a unit.
FY 2016 - 2017 Leasing Overview cont. HCV Program Leasing FY 2016 - 2017 Leasing Overview cont. HCV Leasing Activities SFHA has started gathering lease-up and attrition data that will help us anticipate PBV leasing needs. SFHA will keep track of MOI leasing. SFHA has started gathering data that will track how the new payment standards (both HCV and VASH) affect lease-up rates.
P1 Lease Up @RAD Properties Special Program (PBV, RAD & MOD) Leasing P1 Lease Up @RAD Properties RAD Leasing Priorities SFHA is on target to hit leasing goals for all RAD properties
Program Utilization & Leasing Key Takeaways SFHA is working on anticipatory, proactive lease-up statistics that will help guide leasing potential for PBV, MOI, VASH and RAD. Working with HSH on direct referrals to increase HCV leasing. The use of wrap around services should improve lease-up success rates. SFHA is working closely with HUD to maximize voucher utilization and to fully implement the HUD Two Year Tool. Working with Elite to provide accurate vacancy reports across entire PBV portfolio.
The confirmed April 2017 PIC Reporting rate for HCV is 100%.
PIC Reporting Key Takeaways 100% is the confirmed reporting rate for HCV programs for April 2017. PIC reporting numbers fluctuate monthly based on Voucher Management System (VMS) reported voucher utilization numbers HUD requires that the SFHA reporting rate be at 95% or higher.
Annual Recertifications and Inspections SFHA is at 95% for annual recertifications for April 2017 and 98% for inspections. Program FY15 April 2017 Annual Recertifications 96% 95% Annual Inspections 98%
Operational Updates – Recertifications and Inspections Key Takeaways 95% is the confirmed Annual Recertification rate for April 2017. SFHA has reached HIGH PERFORMER in this indicator. We did not see an increase from last month. 98% is the confirmed Annual HQS Inspection rate for April 2017. SFHA has reached HIGH PERFORMER in this indicator and will be receiving maximum points. HCV team will continue monitoring productivity on a weekly basis to ensure both inspections and recertifications are addressed timely
The projected SEMAP score as of 9/30/16 is 72.4%. SEMAP Preliminary Report The projected SEMAP score as of 9/30/16 is 72.4%.
SEMAP Trending Analysis The SFHA is monitoring SEMAP on a monthly basis. As of April 2017 SEMAP score is 51.7%
Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Key Takeaways The SFHA is monitoring SEMAP monthly. An overall score of 60-89% will receive a standard rating per HUD. Currently undergoing SEMAP FY 2016 pre-confirmatory with HUD contractors.
Department Activities Department Activities in Progress Department Activities Emphasis Elite Software Conversion: SFHA requesting support from Elite to clean-up leasing reports SFHA requesting Applicant portal demo Landlord Engagement Activities: Conducted first landlord engagement event on April 28th. Compiling event survey results