An Unplugged Introduction Computer Science 101 An Unplugged Introduction
About Technocamps We visit schools across Wales and talk about computer science. We also do “bootcamps" during holidays!
About Technocamps Wales is part of the United Kingdom (UK). There are 3 Million people living in Wales. We have our own national language: Welsh!
What is a Computer? Draw what you think a Computer looks like. You have 5 minutes …
Computers are Everywhere! And much, much more!
IT vs. Computer Science Do you know the difference between them? Information Technology: Using computers to do things like word processing and spreadsheets Computer Science Programming the computer programs and Apps that we use
What is a STEM subject? Science Technology Engineering Maths They all link with each other!
Fact: Computers aren’t Very Smart! Why am I calling a computer SILLY? In order for the computer to do ANYTHING it has to be told specifically what to do. It needs tasks to be broken down into simple steps. I am SILLY!
Fact: Computers aren’t Very Smart! “Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond calculation.” Leo Cherne 1968.
Let’s put this to the test … The task: I will be the programme. You will each be one of my computers. I will deliver a range of instructions. Your tasks is to follow them.
If I was a robot, how would you instruct me to … Follow a line on the floor Walk Forward Find the nearest wall Walk to the wall and then stop … before hitting it!
Computer Science 101 Extension
What Language do Computers Understand? Computers do not understand English or any other spoken language for that matter. They understand: Binary
Binary Alphabet We can use Binary to represent the English alphabet! Using the Binary Alphabet provided can you write your name in Binary?