Region Videos/Recap deepest-linguistic-conflicts-in-america-2013-6?op=1 Economic Region vid
Region Travel Brochure Requirements and Examples
Rules of a Brochure Cover is simple, inside is detailed No blank sides! Its double sided and then folded into 3rds. Pictures throughout Captions Complete Sentences Headings for main ideas Show variety
Rubric 5 pictures including 1 map of the region (10) 4 captions (10) At least 3 paragraphs sharing details (10) Neatness and color. Get rid of all the white space.(10) Name of Region in LARGE FONT followed by a slogan or catch phrase (5) Complete sentences, punctuation, grammar and spelling (5) TOTAL=50 pts This can all be done on a computer (then printed) or done by hand.
Rules of a Magazine Ad Large font with main idea Small font for other details Simple pictures Captions Don’t overcrowd it! One sided on a large piece of paper
BAD Examples The left is too crowded and busy. The right is too simple. More information is needed.
Examples What’s good about this? One large picture with Smaller ones on the side to Show variety.
Examples Mana Kai, Maui
Examples All that is needed here Are captions and Paragraphs.