Systematic Theology An Introduction Part 2
Classic Apologists C.S. Lewis Freiherr von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Thomas Aquinas J. R. Tolkien St. Augustine George McDonald Soren Kierkegaard Edward John Carnell
Modern Apologists William A. Dembski William Lane Craig Michael Behe Jason Lile Norman Geisler Robert Jastrow Paul D. Feinberg Nancy Pearcy Mark A. Noll Lee Strobel Josh McDowell Ken Ham
1. Atheism is not a belief. Rather it is a lack of belief in God 1. Atheism is not a belief. Rather it is a lack of belief in God. As such, it has nothing to prove and the theist bears all the burden of proof in the debate.
2. We are all atheists about most Gods 2. We are all atheists about most Gods. I’m just atheist about one more God than you. When you understand why you disbelieve in the existence of all the other gods, then you’ll understand why I disbelieve in your god.
3. Christianity has always stood against the advances of science 3. Christianity has always stood against the advances of science. The case of Galileo is proof.
4. The Bible was written by the same people who believed that the earth was flat.
5. Most scientists are atheists therefore the belief in God is not scientific.
6. Extra ordinary claims require extra ordinary evidence.
7. Do not argue with me about what caused the world to come to exist 7. Do not argue with me about what caused the world to come to exist. I cannot explain how the world came into existence just like you cannot explain how God came into existence.
8. If everything needs a cause, then God needs a cause.
9. Atheists can be moral without believing in God 9. Atheists can be moral without believing in God. Therefore God is not necessary for morality.
10. Virtual particles prove that it is possible for something to come into existence uncaused out of nothing. Therefore, the universe could have come into existence uncaused out of nothing.
11. Can God make a rock too heavy for Him to pick up?
12. Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.
13. Axial Tilt: The Reason for the Season.
14. Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told 14. Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told regardless of what is right.
15. Don’t pray in my school and I won’t think in your church.
16. Science speaks of facts without having absolute certainty 16. Science speaks of facts without having absolute certainty. Religion speaks of absolute certainty without having facts.
17. Christians do not understand God, because God is above their comprehension. Therefore, Christians do not know what they believe and are agnostic.
Atheism Believes that there is no God that exists The physical natural universe is all that exists and ever will exists Believes that the universe is self-sustaining All is matter
Every Finite being needs a cause Believes that there is a Creator God beyond the universe, but that God is limited in nature, therefore limited in His attributes in some way Every Finite being needs a cause It follows that the cause of every Finite being is a Being that is Infinite
Polytheism Belief that there are many finite gods Denies that there is an infinite God who exists beyond the world More than the Most is not possible Actuality cannot differ
Pantheism Holds that there is not a God beyond the universe who is Creator Instead, they believe that God is the universe and the universe is God “Pantheism affirms that God is all” (20) All is mind Negates God’s transcendence in favor of His immanence Human beings change People who are pantheists came to believe this way
Pan-en-theism God is in the universe as a mind is in a body Hold to process theology
Deism There is a God who created the universe but then let it go to its natural end He is not involved in the function of the universe in any way Negates God’s immanence in favor of His transcendence
Theism There is a God. He is active. He is not silent.