Chapter 13-JQA and the Rise of Mass Democracy
The Presidency of JQA (#6) Corrupt Bargain (Election of 1824) Charges of Corruption Nationalist Fairness with the Cherokee Disliked the position and was in return disliked
Election of 1828 Jackson was a…..? Son of a Prostitute and an adulterer Adams was a……? Gambling Pimp Long Live American Politics!
Post-Presidency-Adams One of the few EXs who had a very strong career Lawyer Member of House of Representatives Defended brilliantly in the Amistad Case Much happier out of office
“The People’s President” Andrew Jackson “The People’s President”
Jacksonian Highs and lows Indian Removal (Worcester v. Georgia (1832)) “Tariff of Abominations” and the Nullies Spoils System Death to the Bank! Federal Bank v. “Pet Banks”
Jacksonian Legacy Use the Myth of the Presidency to his advantage Good Politician Popular (Probably could have served three terms, easily) Expanded the powers of the Presidency
Quiz As G.W., rate the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Please explain. What precedents, positive or negative, were set by President Jackson Did Jackson’s personality enable or disable him as a President IDs: Spoils System, Pet Banks and Peggy Eaton (Answer 2 of 3) Extra Credit: Name the President that first rode on a train
President Martin Van Buren
Martin Van Buren First to be born under an American Flag Good politician, born of “machine” politics Inherited the problems of Jackson’s America (Without his popularity) Depression (Panic of 1837) Texas Problems of Jackson
Panic of 1837 Speculation “Jacksonian” Finance Collapse of British Banks Hessian Fly~ Grain Prices soar Bank Failures Whigs called for intervention/Democrats want to stay out
Texan Independence Fought for Independence from Mexico Mexico had early victories but did not win the war Jackson recognized Wanted to join union but slavery got in the way
Election of 1840 WHH-President (Temporarily-30 days) Two economic visions “Ballyhoo” Two-Party system Whigs and Democratic Republicans (Democrats) “Catchall” Parties Avoided extremes