and some Solutions Pollution “ Giovanni Cena” “Nature asks for help” ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO “ Giovanni Cena” “Nature asks for help”
EVOLUTION …. 225 million years ago 135 million years ago present future
POLLUTION SOUND AIR WATER SOIL Caused by an eccessive esposition to sound and noises Caused by fertilizers and pesticides Caused by the introduction of toxic substances in the air Caused by the emission of substances which can change the water caracteristcs It provokes changes in the biological and physical balance of the soil It provokes both the ozone hole and the greenhouse effects It provokes stress and sleeping problems It provokes eutrophication
FACTORY Water pollution
Chemical Steam and smoke- Air pollution
Solid Waste Pollution
QUANTITY OF co2 EMITTED IN ATMOSPHERE 24 billion of tons a year
Effects of Air Pollution Health problems Damage to the environment Thinning of the protective ozone layer of the atmosphere which is leading to climate changes
Greenhouse Effect Another serious danger that threatens the planet is the greenhouse effect, caused by the enormous amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases poured into the atmosphere. The increase of these gases due to the burning of fossil fuels and forest fires, is causing excessive heating of the planet. The consequences are devastating: the melting of ice at the poles, rising sea levels, an increase in desert areas and the drying up of farmlands.
Ozone hole The environment is subjected to severe hazards due to pollution. One of them is due to the placing of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere, the gases contained in refrigerators and in aerosol spray cans. These gases had decreased the thickness of the ozone layer and, at the polar regions, caused even holes in it.
Ouch! What happened to my home?! Water Pollution
Water Pollution Sources How Toxic substances dissolve or deposit in the water. Toxic substances enter lakes, rivers, streams, etc. Pollutants go down into the ground. Sources City sewage Industrial waste Agricultural run-off
Effects of Water Pollution Devastating to people and animals, fish, and birds. Unsuitable for drinking, recreation, agriculture, and industry. Destroys water life.
The results…
Solid Waste Types of waste Household waste Industrial waste Biomedical or hospital waste Why Population increases Increased plastics products Changes in lifestyle Landfills not well equipped to protect against contamination
Noise pollution Noise pollution is caused by frequent exposure to loud noises or sounds. It can cause pressure problems, stress and you can even become partially or completely deaf.
What can we do?
Air Pollution Solutions Encourage your family to walk more Take the school bus Reduce the amount of spray bottles Do not burn leaves in your yard- put them in a compost Keep your family cars in tune Put catalytic converters on cars Share your room with others when the air conditioner is on Take care of your trees
Water Solutions Keep lakes clean Take your used motor oil to a drop off place Use latex paint instead of oil and rinse your brushes in the sink rather than the yard Fill a spray bottle with soapy water instead of bug spray Plant trees to prevent soil erosion Keep litter, pet waste, leaves, and grass clippings out of gutters and storm drains.
Solid Waste Solutions Carry your own bag with you when you go shopping Say no to all plastic bags as often as possible Reduce the use of paper bags also Dig a compost pit in your garden and put all the biodegradables in it When you go out do not throw paper and other wrappings or even leftover food here and there-put it in the garbage
Solutions to control noise pollution Tree Plantation Soundproof Homes Loudspeaker Prohibition Factory Location Machine Quality AND…..
Reduce Reuse Recycle
Preserving what remains of the Earth and encouraging its renewal is our last hope of survival…….