Component D: Data collection by field surveys EU Twinning Project Surveys Department Component D: Data collection by field surveys Introduction to the component D.1: Management and monitoring of field interviewers and the mission schedule
Mandatory result of the component EU Twinning Project Surveys Department Mandatory result of the component Establishment of Quality control methods and tools for monitoring field interviewers
Topics for the 21-24/7 Mission EU Twinning Project Surveys Department Topics for the 21-24/7 Mission 21/7 Quality methods: Current situation in the main field surveys Escorting the interviewers 22/7 managing and monitoring Review about the operation unit Efficiency checks and monitoring collection progress 23/7 Training Review about interviewer’s guides: enterprises and households surveys 24/7 conclusions and recommendations
Hope for a fruitful and enjoyable discussions EU Twinning Project Surveys Department Hope for a fruitful and enjoyable discussions