Steps to scoring higher on an FRQ for AP Psych. How to “Attack” an FRQ Steps to scoring higher on an FRQ for AP Psych.
ATTACKING THE AP PSYCH FRQ 2 required Free Response (essay) Questions 50 minutes 1/3 of the overall grade – 1/6 of grade for each question Points are given for correct responses, not taken away for incorrect material Points can only be removed if one part of an answer contradicts another part
ATTACKING THE AP PSYCH FRQ Think through the answer before starting to write Write an outline or notes in the test question booklet Don’t be afraid to cross something out, if needed Write in sentences and paragraphs –DO NOT OUTLINE OR BULLET YOUR ANSWER.
ATTACKING THE AP PSYCH FRQ Structure the answer following the structure of the question. Be as complete as possible, but keep to the point. Watch the time. Don’t get caught short on essay #2
ATTACKING THE AP PSYCH FRQ 2 FRQ’S One is likely to be from one or two units Methodology is frequently there Second FRQ is thematic – it takes an idea that spans across many units Here are 5 or 6 terms. How does each connect to the theme?
EXAMPLE OF FIRST TYPE Your task is to discuss the role of forgetting in your life. When you were in the fifth grade you knew the capital cities of all 50 states. Now you cannot recall them. A) Describe the theories that attempt to explain why you forgot the information (Decay Theory, Interference Theory) and Amnesia (retrograde and anterograde) B) Apply each theory as an explanation of why you would be unable to recall the fifty capitals
EXAMPLE OF SECOND TYPE Blah, blah, blah scenario. The issue here is “time” or “space” or “thinking” or “problem solving” or “social interaction” or “memory” or some other topic that can span. Term one Term two Term three, etc.
SUMMARY So relax, follow the steps, and answer as many points as you can – the readers are trying to give you points – make it easy for them. Make each term its own paragraph. NOT an English essay. Be OK with not knowing every term in FRQ’s. Just try to score your best Rubric is NOT made beforehand – done at reading.