Brassfield CLEP Report Board of Education Meeting February 8, 2010
CLEP Goals 1, 2, and 3 Goal 1: Provide quality curriculum and instruction that prepare all students for the future in a technology based society. Goal 2: Provide a safe and caring learning environment for all members of the school community. Goal 3: Attract and retain qualified, competent, caring teachers and staff members. Alignment of essential elements with state department blue-prints and North 5th/6th Installation of smart boards in all remaining classrooms Receipt of additional mobile lab of netbooks Receipt of K20 Improving Science Across Oklahoma grant by Brassfield and North 4/5/6 science teachers Awarded BEEF grants for Smart board slates and a Smart sound system Instituted a positive reward system – Brassfield Bucks Mock site evacuation on February 22nd Installation of new intercom, camera, and proximity security systems Continuation of shared leadership through advisory council, testing committee, and safe/healthy schools committee Staff development focused on differentiation of instruction Teachers reflecting on lesson successes and improvements to increase instructional effectiveness
CLEP Goals 4, 5, and 6 Goal 4: Communicate effectively with all members of the school community and encourage community involvement Goal 5: Achieve annual district financial targets Goal 6: Provide quality facilities Extensive use of connect ed to inform parents of upcoming events Updated web-site and Facebook page with current events PTA has held several open meetings, restaurant fundraiser nights, Donuts for Dads, Grandparents day, Spirit Night, and is planning a roller skate family fun night. Advisory council set budget priorities and monitors budget monthly Healthy operating balance in both instructional and activity budgets Profited over $15,000 with annual cookie dough sales Installation of new camera, intercom, and security systems Restructuring of janitorial services to provide consistency Final decision to relocated Brassfield to the current Middle School site once new Middle School site is occupied