Marketing & Publicity Report By Carole Swan Marketing & Publicity Chairman Thank you and good afternoon. First of all I want to thank you all for the cooperation you’ve shown me in your contributions to the E-Bulletin and Courier. Our communication network is expanding rapidly, and it would expand even faster if Lodges, Chapters and Legions could please manage to clean out their e-mail in boxes more frequently … I think I speak for the entire Association Board when I say it would certainly make our job easier. Now, to my report … today I’m actually going to introduce a new program
Introducing the New “Lodge Promotional Materials To aid Lodges in expanding their presence in their communities To give Washington State / Northern Idaho Lodges and Chapters a Consistent Look To make your communities aware of our Charitable Activities To aid Lodges in making themselves known in their local communities. To give our promotions a consistent look and to make your communities aware of what we do to better the quality of life in your area and nationwide.
Press Releases and Letters to Public Officials Standard Mooseheart and Moosehaven Press Releases customized with Lodge Name and Contacts. Formatted Press Release to be customized for Lodge Events Pre-Written Letters to Local Officials to make them aware of the services of Mooseheart … customized with Lodge Names and Contact Numbers What I’m proposing is Standardized Press Releases … some customizable for the local lodges and some that you can just send to your local newspapers. All of them with local Lodge contacts. PLUS a letter to public officials to make them aware of Mooseheart Child City and School … sent by you, the local Lodge.
Brochures for Display at Your Local Businesses Two sided 3-fold Customized Brochure in color Or black and White. Customized Pamphlets explaining the Moose Program to the Public Customized Pamphlet Holder & Flyer Box Labels with Lodge Information Customized Lodge Business Cards We have available 3 fold customized brochure in color or black and white that are very appropriate for distribution to your local community … and, when made available in brochure holders with labels that denote your local Lodge … are perfect for convenience stores, local gift stores, local community information centers and more.
Tell the Mooseheart Story to your Community Mooseheart Booklets and Pamphlets made for Public Distribution Customized Brochure and Flyer box Labels Also available from Mooseheart are a variety of booklets, pamphlets, flyers and magazine reprints that, again, are ideal for distribution via brochure holders, flyer boxes and flyer stands for your local businesses. Flyer boxes, brochure holders and flyer stands are available from such outlets as Staples or Office Max. Brochure Holder Label Available From me. These items Need to be ordered From Moose International.
Banners for your Community Activities Customized Banner Design you can take to your local Sign Shop And, when you plan your public events, what better way to display that you’re from the local Moose Lodge than to have your own banner? Among the items on this disk will be a customized banner that you can e-mail or take to your local sign center to have it produced.
Convention Special …. During the convention only … a special disk with all this customized with your Lodge information for only …$2.00 each Order from me via e-mail after convention and price is $5.00 each to cover mailing expenses, too. Now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls … as an introductory offer, this entire variety of materials can be customized and produced on a disk just for your Lodge … and, when you order at this convention, the price is just the cost of the disk (or $2.00). If you choose to order from me separately I’ll need to add in mailing, paper and folder costs … so the price raises to $5.00.
To Order, Pick up a Data Card at the Registration Desk or from me Disk comes complete with all customized items shown here along with printed instructions. Mooseheart booklets are available in quantities of 50 or less are free and orders of 50 or more can be purchased for fifty cents per booklet from Moose Charities, 155 S International Dr, Mooseheart IL 60539. To order your own personalized disk, please fill out the necessary data card that are available at the registration desk. (Please include the $2.00 when you order). The Mooseheart booklets are available from Moose Charities and the new 4 fold brochure will be available shortly from Moose Charities.
DVD Presentation “This is Mooseheart” Perfect for presentations at local City Halls, Fire Departments, Police Departments … can be purchased for ten dollars by contacting: The Catalog Sales Department Moose International, Inc. Mooseheart, IL 60539-1171 Phone: 630-966-2250 Fax: 630-859-3505 E-Mail: You can also purchase the Mooseheart DVD Presentation directly from Moose International and make an appointment to show it to the Public Officials in your area. The more people who are aware of the advantages of Mooseheart, the more children we may sponsor.
Thank You for Your Attention As always … I’m available to help you with any type of promotions you wish. Just contact me and allow me enough time to do it properly. or phone 206-954-7387 Again, thank you for your kind attention. A sample of the Promotional Materials are available at the Registration Table for your perusal. I also welcome any suggestions you may have to add to the collection. And, as always, I’m available to help any Lodge with promotion and public relations. Don’t hesitate to call or e-mail me. I try to always answer the phone and check e-mails at least 3 times a day. Thanks again.